pancakes — Blog — CookieCrazie


Finn's Lumberjack First Birthday Decorated Cookie Collection

It's hard to believe, but my first grandchild has turned one year old already! He was born November 2016 and suddenly one year rapidly went past us, and he turned ONE! Wow.

My Finn (Finnegan Asher) is all boy. And he's super precious. (Spoken by a new grammy....) He was born premature (34 weeks) at 4.1 lbs and things were a bit scary on his birthday. My daughter was in critical condition and they had to deliver Finn in an emergency. But praise God, he has grown and developed well this last year and is all over the place now. You'd never know by looking at him that he was so small when he was born.

I've enjoyed decorating cookies for many many years now......but nothing tops making cookies for my grandbabies. What a joy it is to dive in there and create memorable cookies for their very special days. I count it such a privilege for the opportunity.

Happy Birthday Finn! 🎉🎂🎈  We love you so much. ❤️

[I made lots of YouTube videos of most of the individual cookies presented in this collection. So be sure to click on the links down below to view the videos.]


CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 23, 2014

CookieCrazie was featured on Cookie Connection this week!

Join CookieCrazie for......

Cookie'sCool November 14 - 16, 2014 in Genoa, Italy

CookieCruise 2015 on January 22-26, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

This week was much harder than I expected it would be.
I guess I didn't really anticipate how exhausting it would be to make tons of wedding cookies.....
plus make a special set of cookies for my daughter and her new husband.
I'm hoping with some rest I'll feel better soon.

I'm happy with the wedding cookies.....and look forward to sharing them with everyone next week.

Only a week until the wedding.....oh my!
But it seems my daughter has everything ready to go or has it on the list to be done. :)

Here we go....


Instagram photos for this week:

Maybe my summer-themed cookies will usher us into warm summer-y days.....
It is 41 degrees here in MO this morning.
Happy Friday!

And the wedding cookie CRAZIE-ness begins!!!
 I'm excited.

My experiment cookie this week....
hoping to use lace and the airbrush on the wedding cookies next week.
There's lots still to learn! ;)

Patriotic Quilt Block Cookies......Happy Monday!

It was a very good cookie day.
I got all the wedding cookies covered with at least the base coat.
Now I'm going to go collapse. ;)

Not exactly like the wedding cake photos Allison shared with me.....
but similar enough for her to know I tried hard and love her a ton. 

Ummmm....Today is MAY 20.
This is the display they were building at Hobby Lobby today.
Didn't they just sell the after-Christmas merchandise FOUR months ago?!
: /
CRAZIE.....I tell ya!

Cool off in the sprinkler today!
Happy Wednesday!!

Airbrushing with lace....using an embroidery hoop.....
simply done, yet so pretty! 
Thanks Heather. :)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Pancake Cookies (Tutorial)

Now that I've unveiled the Dessert for Breakfast Cookie Collection.....
it's time to show you how I made many of the cookies in the set.

Let's start with pancakes.
The best part about them is that you only need round-shaped cookies.

Mix up both light and medium tan colored 10-second glaze.
Start by making a less-than-perfect circle with medium tan glaze
as seen by the cookie on the right (below).
Leave approximately 1/4" of the outer rim of the cookie bare.

After it has dried for 15 minutes, add a light tan glaze rim around the darker glaze.
(This is seen in the left and center cookies below.)
Try to make it look as random and less-than-perfect as a normal pancake.

Allow the cookies to dry for approximately two hours.
Press a texture mat like this one (sand) randomly on the glaze to add some wrinkle marks.
Also, add some small holes around the edges with a cake tester.
(If you study'll see the air bubble holes around the edge.)
Finally add a white glaze outline around the edge of the light tan glaze.

Allow the cookies to dry overnight.

Color some edible glaze molding clay a deep "syrup" brown color 
and then make a small amount of light "butter" yellow.
To color clay, knead color gel into it.
If the clay gets too soft from the gel, you can add powdered sugar to firm it up.

Roll out the brown clay into a thinner layer and cut around the edges to
form some "fingers" that will drape over the pancakes.

Cut out the yellow clay with a small fluted circle (or just a plain circle) to make a pat of butter.

Drape the brown clay over a stack of pancake cookies and 
paint copper sheen airbrush color over the "syrup" to make it shine.

Top it off with a pat of butter. :)

Dessert for Breakfast Cookie Collection

Serving Mom Breakfast in Bed......a COOKIE Breakfast

On Mom's special day......she needs some extra special treatment.

Breakfast in bed would definitely start the day out right.

And if it is done in cookies.......she gets to have DESSERT for breakfast. ;)

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