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Delicious Cafe Decorated Cookie Collection

I’ve always had a love for hot drinks……coffee (specialty with lots of sweetness), tea, hot chocolate, etc), so it stands to reason that I would think of hot (and cold) drinks and yummy baked goods for a “DELICIOUS” themed cookie collection.

My son’s girlfriend is Taiwanese and she has turned me on to bubble tea. I think I love it so much because I love her so much…..and I know she gets super excited when she gets a treat originating from her homeland. :) When I showed her these cookies….she was super happy. She said, “Now I can drink AND eat bubble tea!” ❤️

Most of the things shown in this set I’m not supposed to consume….. since I’m on a plant based, gluten free, sugar free diet to fight cancer. That includes sugar cookies, in general! But it was fun to emulate all these yummy treats and think about how glorious they all taste.

God is good to allow us so many wonderful things to enjoy via our taste buds. 🙌🏻

Delicious [ dih-lish-uhs ] adjective
highly pleasing to the senses, especially to taste or smell, delightful

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

Psalm 34:8


Pumpkin Latte Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

Pumpkin lattes.......they are all the rage during this harvest season.
I have family members that are crazy about them. 

Here's a YouTube video to show the entire process to make pumpkin latte cookies.

Using a cookie cutter with a mug shape that includes whipped cream piled on top (see links below), it's fairly easy to decorate a cookie up for the pumpkin latte season.

The video shares all the details.....first the mug body, then the handle, then the layers of "whipped cream" with a sprinkle of actual cinnamon on top. :)
And be sure to include either a cute pumpkin cookie on the front of the mug, or cut a mini pumpkin shape into partially dried glaze and then decorate the shape with piped glaze.

Here's some potential mug cutters to use:
Hot Cocoa Mug #1 by BobbisCookiesCutters
Hot Cocoa Mug #2 by BobbisCookiesCutters
Hot Cocoa Mug #3 by BobbisCookiesCutters
Tall Mug by TheCookieBoxCCS
Short Mug by TheCookieBoxCCS


Coffee Shop Decorated Cookie Collection

For all the coffee lovers in my life......I created a set of cookies to celebrate this glorious hot drink and it's favorite companions. :)


Neon Sign Styled Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

Have you ever found a graphic or photo that emulate a style that you became giddy about?
In the last year, I found a graphic showing this neon sign style (I think they called it "colored chalk style") that I instantly knew I had to cookie-fy. 

This method is super easy and fast since you don't have to actually outline and flood the entire cookie and then add additional layers of icing.

Start with chocolate cut-out dough, and cut and bake any shape that will be recognizable by just adding a few outlines/silhouette. 
In the set shown, the theme was coffee related, so I picked the shapes accordingly.

Once the cookies are baked and cooled, combine vodka (or a clear extract, ex. almond) and Americolor Super Black gel to make a "paint" to cover the tops of each cookie. Brush the opaque mixture over each cookie and allow it to dry for a few hours before adding the glaze.

Use bright "electric" colors of glaze to add the outlines and single detail lines to each cookie.


Coffee Bean Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

Coffee lovers abound in our family.
In fact, a few of my boys have even become quite the "coffee snobs".
I've learned about all kinds of gadgets, methods, and gourmet beans that make the beverage beyond compare. :)

It seemed fitting to create a whole set of cookies to celebrate such a popular hot drink.

For coffee bean cookies, use an oval cutter with chocolate cut-out dough.
Place a piece of plastic wrap over the rolled out dough and then cut the cookie over the plastic.
This will give it a rounded edge that resembles a true coffee bean.

Before baking the cookies, use a long thin tool like a cake tester to make impressions across the widest part of the oval to create the indentations seen in coffee beans.

Once the cookies have been baked and cooled, create a palette of colors using Americolor Egg Yellow, Chocolate Brown, and Warm Brown gels. Paint over the top and sides of the "beans" to give them realistic hues.

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