airbrushed cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie

airbrushed cookies

Airbrushed Lace Heart Cookies (Tutorial)

Heart cookies are a common wedding cookie......
so it made sense to plan on doing them for Allison's  wedding favor cookies.
But I wanted to make them a little unique and special.

I had noticed that Heather at SugarNosh Treats had been playing around with airbrushing using lace.
I asked her about it and she offered to send me a piece of her lace that she was using.
How awesome is that! :)
(Thanks Heather for being so kind and giving me the tool I needed to make special cookies.)

They ended up being one of the biggest hits at the wedding.
People were amazed at the beauty of the lace pattern on the heart cookies.

They're fairly simple to make......once you have a piece of appropriate lace and an airbrush.

Outline and flood the heart cookies in whatever color desired.
Allow them to dry overnight.

Stretch out your lace material across a needlework hoop and snap it in place.
(Both the lace material and the hoop can be found at Hobby Lobby or Joann Fabric.)

Lay the stretched lace over the heart cookies.
Spray pearl sheen airbrush color evenly over them.

Beautiful and simple.......a great combination.

Allison & Jake's Wedding Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 23, 2014

CookieCrazie was featured on Cookie Connection this week!

Join CookieCrazie for......

Cookie'sCool November 14 - 16, 2014 in Genoa, Italy

CookieCruise 2015 on January 22-26, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

This week was much harder than I expected it would be.
I guess I didn't really anticipate how exhausting it would be to make tons of wedding cookies.....
plus make a special set of cookies for my daughter and her new husband.
I'm hoping with some rest I'll feel better soon.

I'm happy with the wedding cookies.....and look forward to sharing them with everyone next week.

Only a week until the wedding.....oh my!
But it seems my daughter has everything ready to go or has it on the list to be done. :)

Here we go....


Instagram photos for this week:

Maybe my summer-themed cookies will usher us into warm summer-y days.....
It is 41 degrees here in MO this morning.
Happy Friday!

And the wedding cookie CRAZIE-ness begins!!!
 I'm excited.

My experiment cookie this week....
hoping to use lace and the airbrush on the wedding cookies next week.
There's lots still to learn! ;)

Patriotic Quilt Block Cookies......Happy Monday!

It was a very good cookie day.
I got all the wedding cookies covered with at least the base coat.
Now I'm going to go collapse. ;)

Not exactly like the wedding cake photos Allison shared with me.....
but similar enough for her to know I tried hard and love her a ton. 

Ummmm....Today is MAY 20.
This is the display they were building at Hobby Lobby today.
Didn't they just sell the after-Christmas merchandise FOUR months ago?!
: /
CRAZIE.....I tell ya!

Cool off in the sprinkler today!
Happy Wednesday!!

Airbrushing with lace....using an embroidery hoop.....
simply done, yet so pretty! 
Thanks Heather. :)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Cookie Fun with Airbrush and Silicon Molds

After Cookie Con 2014, I was inspired to push myself to try new techniques.
I bought this airbrush on recommendation from friends.
(Here's a You Tube video on how to put it together. I struggled when taking it out of the box.)
And then I worked hard to develop an edible clay for toppers molded with silicone molds.

After base-coating a bunch of was time to get to work!

First I airbrushed lots of them.
This photo (below) shows my use of a tri-board to prevent the spray from getting all over the kitchen.
But over time, I've found that it is not necessary. The spray does not go far.
As long as you have the counter surface covered, you're pretty safe.

I also used the eight magnets that SugarBelle suggests in this post.
But I've abandoned that tool as well......because it caused more work and frustration than help.
Now I just lay the stencil on top of the cookie and hold it down with a thin utensil.
(The magnets can end up mangling your stencil when you lift it off the cookie.)

I love the effect given by the pearl sheen airbrush color.
For the cookie below, I used this heart stencil and this rose silicone mold.
So simple and yet so pretty!

As I shared in full detail in a blog post, this edible glaze molding clay recipe works well 
to mold some beautiful toppers for cookies.

Here's some of my favorite sources (so far!) of silicone molds:

I'd loved to see how you use the edible send me your photos.
There are endless possibilities....
I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Edible Glaze Molding Clay

Random Easter Cookies.....

Random Easter cookies......

so I tried some.
Ummmm......totally disappointed....
but I ran out of steam that day I was decorating. :(

I learned more about my airbrush
(thanks Karen!)
and had a more successful session with it.
(Still have a lot to learn...)

And my cute little peep bunnies..... easy and fun.

(P.S. I can't remember where I got this cutter. 
I think it was a Hobby Lobby mini Easter set.
I did find a similar cutter here.)

More Easter coming soon.....

Airbrushed Valentines Day Cookies

I don't really want to post these cookies......but it seems only fair to share the ones I love.....and ummm.....the ones I don't love. ;)

I bought an airbrush in the fall......but so far, I'm not super happy with it.
First of all, I don't really know what I'm doing......but also, I don't think mine works right.
I saw a demo in September.....and mine doesn't do what I saw demonstrated........

Oh well......I outlined and flooded a bunch more red, pink, and white hearts for my airbrush episode.

And here's the results.

Nothing amazing about these.....but a nice change from the same 'ole, same 'ole.

I decided I'd add some text to a few of I added my favorite Bible verses about God's love.

More Valentines cookies coming your way......
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