tree stump — Blog — CookieCrazie

tree stump

Finn's Lumberjack First Birthday Decorated Cookie Collection

It's hard to believe, but my first grandchild has turned one year old already! He was born November 2016 and suddenly one year rapidly went past us, and he turned ONE! Wow.

My Finn (Finnegan Asher) is all boy. And he's super precious. (Spoken by a new grammy....) He was born premature (34 weeks) at 4.1 lbs and things were a bit scary on his birthday. My daughter was in critical condition and they had to deliver Finn in an emergency. But praise God, he has grown and developed well this last year and is all over the place now. You'd never know by looking at him that he was so small when he was born.

I've enjoyed decorating cookies for many many years now......but nothing tops making cookies for my grandbabies. What a joy it is to dive in there and create memorable cookies for their very special days. I count it such a privilege for the opportunity.

Happy Birthday Finn! 🎉🎂🎈  We love you so much. ❤️

[I made lots of YouTube videos of most of the individual cookies presented in this collection. So be sure to click on the links down below to view the videos.]


3D Tree Stump Cookie (Tutorial)

To make a tree stump cookie you will need:

 My tree stump consisted of these cookies:
  • 2-  4" circle cookies ("mangled" around the edges)
  • 3 - 3-1/2" circle cookies ("mangled" around the edges)
  • 1 - 3" circle cookie (keep the straight edges)
 I used these circle cutters.
You can use smaller graduated circle cookies if you'd like.

Before "glueing" the circles together, stack the cookies in the order that looks best.
I stacked the largest on the bottom and then put the 3" plain circle on top.
I even found some of the cookies looked better "upside down".

Unstack the cookies in a line in the order you want to assemble them. 
Then add brown glaze between each layer.

Preferably  do this next step on parchment paper.
 Outline the top circle with brown glaze and then start adding glaze
from top to bottom on the sides of your tree stump.

 Allow to dry for at least an hour.

Flood the top circle with gold glaze.

After it has dried for at least 30 minutes, 
add random tree rings, etc to the top of the stump with gold glaze.
Allow the stump to dry overnight.

Using Americolor gel and almond extract (to thin it),
mix up a few "tree bark" colors to give the tree stump a natural look.
Randomly paint on the colors.
 Allow to dry for several hours.

This tree stump would make a great fall centerpiece. 
I added some fall leaf and acorn cookies along with a few sprigs of plastic grass.


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