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PRAYER Decorated Cookie Collection (Rustic Floral Garden)

Prayer….It’s so essential in our lives. It’s our connection to God.

We are currently within the isolation period of the Covid-19 pandemic.
I’ve noticed that when crisis hits, we all pray more.
It’s a time when we realize how little control we really have over our own lives.

My prayer is that we draw closer to God and one another and learn lots of wonderful things during this time of trial. God has certainly taught me how He gets my attention during difficult times and teaches me so much…..if I’m willing.


prayer [ prair ]
a devout petition to God.
a spiritual communion with God as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession.



Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2
I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer. Ps 17:6
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12


Be Still Fall Decorated Cookie Collection

The changes of seasons is so inspiring. As I prepared ideas for autumn/fall cookies, this Bible verse came to mind.

Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

It seemed appropriate to center an entire cookie set around this truth.

God certainly has a way of showing Himself and His attributes through His creation. May we all take some time to be still and know……



Woodsy Valentine Decorated Cookie Collection

A little different take on Valentines Day.

It gets more and more challenging to think of new ways to decorate heart cookies. :) This woodsy set falls in the UNIQUE category for my many Valentines cookies. hee hee

This is another holiday that I LOVE decorating cookies for. So you’ll be seeing more Valentines cookies……I’ll probably do a traditional style along with attempts at some unique designs.
Stay tuned…



Woodland Fall Decorated Cookie Collection

Remember the warning about my obsession with autumn cookies....... here's my THIRD set of the season. And this is by far is my favorite. Those colors......and those molded clay pieces.....LOVE!

Cookie decorating doesn't have to be super complex. Using lots of silicone molds with edible clay allows you to create extraordinary cookies without exhausting effort. There seems to be a growing demand for molds......and therefore....so many new ones to choose from. I found a wonderful source for silicone molds HERE. Check them out!

My last (and favorite) fall set of the season.....promise!

Autumn Metal Can Bouquet Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video (Click Photo)

Autumn Metal Can Bouquet Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video (Click Photo)

Fall Woodgrain Plaque Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube vide HERE

Fall Woodgrain Plaque Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube vide HERE

Tree Log Slice Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE

Tree Log Slice Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE

Autumn Fence Scene Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Autumn Fence Scene Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Mushroom Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Mushroom Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Wheat Bouquet Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Wheat Bouquet Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Autumn Basket Bouquet Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Autumn Basket Bouquet Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE


Finn's Lumberjack First Birthday Decorated Cookie Collection

It's hard to believe, but my first grandchild has turned one year old already! He was born November 2016 and suddenly one year rapidly went past us, and he turned ONE! Wow.

My Finn (Finnegan Asher) is all boy. And he's super precious. (Spoken by a new grammy....) He was born premature (34 weeks) at 4.1 lbs and things were a bit scary on his birthday. My daughter was in critical condition and they had to deliver Finn in an emergency. But praise God, he has grown and developed well this last year and is all over the place now. You'd never know by looking at him that he was so small when he was born.

I've enjoyed decorating cookies for many many years now......but nothing tops making cookies for my grandbabies. What a joy it is to dive in there and create memorable cookies for their very special days. I count it such a privilege for the opportunity.

Happy Birthday Finn! 🎉🎂🎈  We love you so much. ❤️

[I made lots of YouTube videos of most of the individual cookies presented in this collection. So be sure to click on the links down below to view the videos.]

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