CookieCrazieBasics: Coloring Glaze Icing — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazieBasics: Coloring Glaze Icing

The glaze is made what?

Let's add some color....and make sure it is the right consistency!

What coloring to use......hands down.....Americolor Gels! They are fabulous.

I love these gels so much that I have a treasure chest full of them. heehee

Many people ask how I get such vivid icing colors.

Americolor is the answer.

How do I make my icing so black? Americolor Super Black

How do I get my icing so white? Americolor Bright White

Another question I get asked often...

Do you find that Americolor Super Red causes your icing to taste bitter? No, I have not found any problem with Super Red's taste.

So how do you go from this....

to this?

Check out this YouTube video I made to help you visualize it all.....

Here's my set up for coloring and bagging my icing.

You'll need a smaller bowl and spoon to mix up each color and get it to the right consistency. 

As soon as you're there, you will roll it up in some plastic wrap (preferably Press N' Seal) and bag it. 

For all the bagging information, go HERE.

For now, we want to get the icing to look and pipe just right.

Take the amount of icing you need for that color and add some drops of color. can always make it darker.....but making it lighter is TONS harder!

So be careful how much color you add.

Mix in color until you are satisfied.

Then check the consistency.

I use the "Ten Second Rule". (The 10 second rule is featured in the middle of the above YouTube video.)

The main thing is.....consistency is KEY!

I touch and pull up on the surface of the icing with a clean finger and count. I want the icing to go completely flat at the count of ten.

If it takes longer than will be really hard to pipe. (Add & mix a tiny bit of water to it and use the 10 second rule again.)

If it flattens quicker than that, it will spread out after you pipe it. (Add & mix a tiny bit of powdered sugar to it and use the 10 second rule again.)

Try to get it as close to ten seconds as possible. 

I use this consistency of glaze icing for outlining, flooding, and detailing my cookies. One consistency for everything. 

Once your icing has the color and consistency you desire, you can put it in bags.

I'll show you how I bag mine HERE.


For a fantastic color chart from Sweet Sugar Belle, go HERE.


For the CookieCrazie glaze recipe go HERE.



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