mustache — Blog — CookieCrazie


Happy Fathers Day, DAD!

Hey's time to celebrate YOU!

Here's some Fathers Day cookies with a vintage feel. They are filled with all the love that can be poured into cookies to honor those who we call DAD. ❤️

[Hover over photos for links to YouTube tutorial videos & cutter info]

Bowtie Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE       Bowtie cutter found HERE

Hat Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Mustache Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE     Mustache Cookie Cutter set found HERE

Glasses Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE


I ❤️ DAD Mug Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE

DAD Trio Blocks Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE     Trio block cookie cutter found HERE

This car is my personal favorite of the whole set. Boy was it fun to decorate! 


Easy Mustache Cookies (Tutorial)

Mustaches are one of those raving fads that have continued for a few years now.
In general, they are not very hard cookies to make.
But using a cutter/stamper set makes them super duper easy!

The Cutters/Stampers can be purchased HERE.

Use the cutter part to cut out the cookie dough.
Bake and cool as usual.

Outline and flood the entire cookie in black glaze (or brown, gold or gray).

Allow to dry for about 4 hours.
Press the stamper portion into the partially dried glaze.

And you have an easy-peasy set of mustache cookies.....

Fathers Day 2015 Cookie Collection

BarberShop Cookie Collection

This Fathers Day theme was one of those ideas that grew and grew.
Eventually I had to limit myself, because there were so many possibilities.
To say I had fun would be an understatement. ;)

The old-time barber shop that I can remember from growing up
brings back fond memories of my dad.
He's been gone for 13 years and I miss him.

To all the fathers out there.....we are thrilled that you are in our lives and
that you contribute so much to who we are.

Thank you Dad!
Have a cookie. :)



Fathers Day 2015 Cookie Collection

Baby Gender Reveal Boy Cookie Collection the process of making a whole set of gender reveal baby cookies......
I made a full set of boy cookies and a full set of girl cookies.

Those cute little baby boys.
Snips and snails and puppy-dogs' tails.....

So fun!

Stay tuned for the knitted/crochet-look tutorial.

Baby Gender Reveal Cookie Collection

Red, Black, & White Cookies: ONLY Three Colors of Icing :)

I'm not good at limiting how many colors of glaze I make for each set of cookies.
Rarely do I make less than 6-7 colors in any collection.
But I was intrigued with the idea of using just THREE colors
to make as many patterns and textures as I could think of.

I was astounded at how much I loved making this set.
Of course.....the three vibrant colors of red, black, and white are distinctive on their own.
But the "simplicity of color" does something crazy with the brain. haha

This is one of my favorite sets of cookies ever. :)

I'll be doing this again......for sure!


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