bottle — Blog — CookieCrazie


Elephant Themed Baby Girl Shower Decorated Cookie Collection

I'd just like to say that this "being a GRAMMY" phenomenon is incredibly wonderful.
My second grandchild arrived late this spring.....HER name is Emmy Kate.  💗

I already LOVE to create cookies for others, but when it's for my grandchildren, it is the BEST.
Just knowing that some day Emmy will see the photos of these cookies and delight in the idea that she is so incredibly loved by her Grammy.......brings me pure joy.
Plus, I love to spoil those around me with cookies.
And baking/decorating is definitely my love language. :)

The  baby shower had an elephant creating cute elephants and lots of other baby cookies to match was super fun.

Welcome Emmaline Kate!
We think you're awesome...... 💗💗💗


Baby Gender Reveal Girl Cookie Collection

The boy cookies in this gender reveal baby collection were posted months ago.

Finally I'm getting around to posting the frilly feminine girl cookies. :)

Baby Gender Reveal Cookie Collection

Easy Stamped Baby Cookies (Tutorial)

It's always exciting to find an easy technique that provides a "wow....that's complicated" reaction.

Since glaze allows texturizing after it has partially dried,
these stamper cutters work well to provide easy, yet super cute cookies.
They come in a variety of you'll be seeing more sets of these!

I disassembled the stampers to allow for easier cutting of the cookie dough.
(It's very easy.....just unscrew the knob at the top of the stamper.)

But actually you don't have to disassemble them if that's not desired.
It will mean that your cookies will bake with the imprint in them, but you'll cover it up with glaze.
No problem. :)

Outline and flood the baked cookies with your choice colors of glaze.
Allow them to dry for about 4 hours.
Use the imprint pad (seen below detached from the cutter) to press into the corresponding cookie.

So easy.....and yet so cute.

Baby Gender Reveal Cookie Collection

Crocheted Baby Cookies (Tutorial)

When thinking about what textures to do for baby cookies......
it seemed natural to lean toward a crocheted and/or knitted look.

SillisShop in Etsy has some perfect molds to accomplish crocheted/knitted texture.

Outline and flood any shape you'd like in the colors of choice.

Allow the glaze to dry for about 4 hours.

Press the texture mats into the partially dried glaze.

Quick, easy......and so pretty!

Baby Gender Reveal Cookie Collection

Baby Gender Reveal Boy Cookie Collection the process of making a whole set of gender reveal baby cookies......
I made a full set of boy cookies and a full set of girl cookies.

Those cute little baby boys.
Snips and snails and puppy-dogs' tails.....

So fun!

Stay tuned for the knitted/crochet-look tutorial.

Baby Gender Reveal Cookie Collection

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