patterns — Blog — CookieCrazie


Make them BOLD with Red and Gold Cookie Collection

Every once in a while, I just pick a few basic colors and then create a ton of different random shapes using as many techniques as possible. It allows my creativity to blossom and it produces some pretty strange combinations. But it is pure fun to pull it all together.

Here's my BOLD with Red & Gold cookie all it's boldness. ❤️


Stenciling with Glaze

Stenciling with glaze has always been thought of as impossible. The composition of glaze and it's quality to flow into a level surface has disqualified it from being a contributor to stenciling on cookies. Or so I thought......

Recently I've been trying to use some of my stencils on cookies without using an airbrush. I tried many techniques and none of them were working consistently. I decided to try glaze once again, but thickened it more than I had in the past to see what I could do.

And here are my results. :) It surprised me. It's totally possible to stencil with glaze!

The consistency is important. The very thick (even moldable) glaze I used during this project was actually too thick. Even though I got it to work, it would have been easier if it had been a tad bit thinner. It was very difficult to spread this thick, clay-like glaze evenly across the stencil. Plus, it was so elastic, it didn't want to break away from the stencil when it was pulled up. 

I'm going to experiment with this more......but wanted my readers to know that this is possible and you should totally try it. FINALLY I have a use for some of those stencils I've been storing away for so long. :)

Add powdered sugar to glaze until it nearly comes together like clay. But make sure it is still sticky and not too thick. A friend described it as pasty, thicker than toothpaste, but not moldable. 

Place a small amount on top of the stencil to act as a "glue" to keep the stencil in place. Pull your scraper from top to bottom making an even coat of glaze. Then pull up the stencil. And there you have it.....a beautiful stenciled pattern. :)


Holiday Tessellation Decorated Cookie Collection

With my love of quilt patterns, I'm always fascinated to find new tessellation patterns.

Tessellate : to form small squares or blocks, as floors or pavements;
form or arrange in a checkered or mosaic pattern.

Tessellation Cookie Patterns from the past:


I just found some new pattern cutters and decided to create holiday-ish cookies with them.

First I used the Moroccan Cross and Star Tile cutters for the following two cookie patterns.


And then my favorite shape is this Deco de Lis cutter.


Red, Black, & White Cookies: ONLY Three Colors of Icing :)

I'm not good at limiting how many colors of glaze I make for each set of cookies.
Rarely do I make less than 6-7 colors in any collection.
But I was intrigued with the idea of using just THREE colors
to make as many patterns and textures as I could think of.

I was astounded at how much I loved making this set.
Of course.....the three vibrant colors of red, black, and white are distinctive on their own.
But the "simplicity of color" does something crazy with the brain. haha

This is one of my favorite sets of cookies ever. :)

I'll be doing this again......for sure!


Textured & Patterned Autumn Leaf Cookies

Patterns and textures.......
probably on the top of my list of things I like to add when decorating cookies.

Aren't fall leaves beautiful??
We just took a trip south this weekend and I could see a few trees getting ahead of the game.
I wish I could take that same trek in about 3 weeks to see all the color bursting forth.

Happy Fall, everyone!

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