shoe — Blog — CookieCrazie


Baby Gender Reveal Girl Cookie Collection

The boy cookies in this gender reveal baby collection were posted months ago.

Finally I'm getting around to posting the frilly feminine girl cookies. :)

Baby Gender Reveal Cookie Collection

Baby Gender Reveal Boy Cookie Collection the process of making a whole set of gender reveal baby cookies......
I made a full set of boy cookies and a full set of girl cookies.

Those cute little baby boys.
Snips and snails and puppy-dogs' tails.....

So fun!

Stay tuned for the knitted/crochet-look tutorial.

Baby Gender Reveal Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, February 27, 2015

CookieCrazie is teaching hands-on classes at Pre-CookieCon!

Check out all the details HERE.


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

Believe it or not.....I think I did my last spring/Easter cookies this week.
If you know me at all.....I like to stay ahead of the game.
Since our Ukraine trip comes in May, and I'm about ready to go deep into the planning stages for it....
I need to get way ahead on blog content.

Next week, I hope to work on (and complete!) the Bible study for the Ukraine women's retreat.
Plus, I have several other deadlines I need to meet......
hoping to share some awesome news with the CookieCrazie blog soon. :)

Here's to spring and all it has to offer in these coming months....


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday with a hug and a kiss.....

This is from a cute set a few weeks ago.....trying to keep up with the trends. Fun!

The masculine side of the gender reveal cookies....

Still #waitingonspring and hoping these cookies will encourage it out of it's shell.

Happy Tuesday!

Come on over.....#spring has arrived!

Last year's kiss cookies.....


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Glamor Hat & Shoe Cookies (Tutorial)

In this fun new series of glamor cookies, let's start off with a stiletto heel and a cute little hat.
These cutters can be found here and here.

Outline and flood the stiletto with a darker color glaze for the bottom and interior of the shoe.
Outline and flood the hat, but leave the bow section blank.
(see photo below)

Outline and flood the stiletto's main shoe portion with a lighter color glaze.
(see photo below)

Add a ribbon detail to the hat, including the ends of the ribbon hanging out the back of the hat.

Pipe some wavy outlines around the hat to make it look more "floppy".
After it has dried overnight, paint the under portions with some pearl luster dust.

Use a black food color marker to make a point on the bottom of the stiletto heel.

If desired, mold a matching bow using this silicone mold and some CookieCrazie edible clay
to give the hat more dimension.

Navy Fuchsia Glamor Cookie Collection

Girls Just Want FUN Cookies.......even in Ukraine :)

I made a special set of cookies for a wonderful friend in Ukraine
that works so hard to put the women's retreat together.
And she LOVES bling. :)

I think she enjoyed them very much....

I also made some girly "spa" cookies for all the ladies at the women's retreat too.
Expect to see a tutorial soon. :)

We put one of these cookies in each of the ladies gift bags.

You can read more about the women's retreat here.

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