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CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, June 19, 2015

CookieCrazie is teaching hands-on classes in the coming days!

CookieCrazie will be teaching Pre-CookieCon classes!
Click here for more details.



CookieCrazie's Week in Review

bottle caps, CookieCon 2015, CookieCrazie Chatter, decorating sugar cookies with glaze icing, glaze icing decorated sugar cookies, Mothers/Fathers Day, mustaches, soda bottle, soda pop,



Personal Side

Last weekend was awesome.....spending time with my kids is always the best!
We thoroughly enjoyed catching up, playing games, shopping, and eating lots of good food.
It's always hard to say goodbye......but then I remember how wonderful my "day job" is.

So.....Monday morning was back to cookies.
This week involved lots of experimenting again.
I did some mixed media....which I love how it can personalize it to fit the decorator's favorites.
And then I did a bunch of experiments with edible clay.
Boy, there is so much more I can do with texture when I involve the clay. 
I LOVE working with it!

Now I'm already entering the world of autumn.
Today I'm baking autumn cookies....and will dive in tomorrow.
Oh how I love fall.
I know, I know......summer just started.
But I can enjoy the current season while I take cookies into the next season. :)


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

What is it about lemons that shout s.u.m.m.e.r and h.a.p.p.y?
I guess it's a nostalgic thing.

Just three weekends away....

Happy Tuesday!

Rustic Wood Planks technique works with glaze too!!
Happy day. :)
Thanks for the tutorial, Ginny.

Last year's Fathers Day cookies....
Obviously I'm on a vintage kick when it comes to this holiday. ;)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

BarberShop Cookie Collection

This Fathers Day theme was one of those ideas that grew and grew.
Eventually I had to limit myself, because there were so many possibilities.
To say I had fun would be an understatement. ;)

The old-time barber shop that I can remember from growing up
brings back fond memories of my dad.
He's been gone for 13 years and I miss him.

To all the fathers out there.....we are thrilled that you are in our lives and
that you contribute so much to who we are.

Thank you Dad!
Have a cookie. :)



Fathers Day 2015 Cookie Collection
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