cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie


Decorating Christmas Cookies Collection

As I thought through all the possibilities of shapes to do for Christmas… seemed like “decorating Christmas cookies” was a perfect theme.

That’s how I started decorating cookies. My dad made it an event every year when I was a little girl. My whole family did it together. And boy did we have fun…and make lots of memories!

Even though the Christmas season is jammed packed with so many extra activities…..make some time to decorate cookies with the ones you love. It will be worth every second.



Stained Glass Church Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

Our church just called a new pastor a few months ago. With the excitement of him taking this prominent position in our church, and with his family moving all the way from Florida to join us, I didn't want to miss the opportunity to make him and the church staff some cookies to celebrate.

After making the Stained Glass Raindrop Cookies a while back, I immediately thought to use Jolly Rancher hard candies for some stained glass windows in my little church cookies. :)


First cut out a mini cross shape out of house or building cookies (cutter found here).
(see photo below)

Next, crush up Jolly Ranchers, keeping the colors separate. Carefully spoon the crushed candies into the empty cross shape, continuing to keep the colors separate. (If they get mixed together, they melt into an ugly color.)

Make sure to cool the cookies with parchment paper underneath them.  
The melted candy wants to stick to everything else.

Once the cookies are baked and cooled, outline and flood them (including the inset cross shape) with white glaze.
(see photo below)

Allow the glaze to dry for approximately 4 hours and then press this wood panel texture mat over the churches.

After the cookies have dried overnight (preferably on wire racks as seen below),
brush them lightly with dry Elephant Gray Elite dust.

In order to get the back side of the stained glass candy to dry enough so it doesn't stick to the bag, placed the cookies on wire racks and allowed them to thoroughly dry for a few hours.


2015 Sweet Review in Cookies

It's quite CRAZIE that another year has passed!
Twelve whole months have flown by......and we're about to start a new year.

But before the new year comes, I always like to take time to a look back, enjoy the memories,
and give thanks to God for how kind He is to allow me to do what I do. :)

I've picked out several favorite cookie collections from 2015.

It's time to walk down memory lane.

Thank you for being so supportive and walking along with me on this journey.
I appreciate each and every one of you.

I pray that God will go with us as we go into 2016.....

[Click on the photo to see the corresponding blog post]

























It's been a very SWEET YEAR!

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 24, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

I'm feeling really good about all the trip preparation that has gotten done this week.
I got all my cookie photos edited and have already pulled together 
6 of the 14 blog posts I'm writing for the next 7 weeks. 
I think I'll get the rest done this weekend. Hurray!

I've bought all the gifts I want to take to various people.
I baked all the cookies I'm taking to the Ukrainians.
I just need to decorate those on Monday.
(Simple simple the name of the game there. ;))
Today Jill and I went to my favorite grocery stores to get lots of healthy snacks for the trip.
I've already started my piles of the things I'm taking.  
I hope to simplify everything so I don't take excess.
It's always so stressful to make sure my bags are not overweight.
This year.....I want to be underweight with NO problem. :)

Tomorrow we have our final meeting about the Ukraine trip.
It's always so exciting to think about how we are going VERY soon. :)
I leave one week from I've got one more CookieCrazie Chatter before I leave.

I'm super excited to show you all the cookie collections I've made over the last 2 months.
I've been saving them all up in anticipation of me being gone for a month......
so CookieCrazie will not completely disappear.

We have a fun family weekend planned.
Neil & Becca will be here and so hopefully most of us can get together for a BBQ on Sunday.
Ahh......the memories.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend 
remembering those who have sacrificed to make our country so amazing. :)

Instagram photos for this week:

Patriotic Bunting....

Texture & Pattern with RWB 

Simply patriotic...

I think we all need a little sunshine today.....
Prayers going up for all those suffering losses today.

It won't be long now.....


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 17, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

The week started off right with a wonderful Mothers Day.
My daughters surprised me with sweet notes of love....
I got flowers and a cute card.
And my two sons that live far away called.
I got to talked to Keith for 2 hours.
Since I haven't talked to him most of the school semester.....
we had the chance to catch up.
And I get to see him at the end of that was good news.
I felt very loved that day and so appreciate all the things my kids did to make it that way.

This week I finalized the Bible study for the Ukraine women's retreat.
Hallelujah! How nice to have that completely done!

And  I finally started my Ukrainian language program (that I've been putting off for weeks).

I also got my final set of cookies done for the blog.
I couldn't bear the thought of not doing Fourth of July cookies.....
so now I can say I've done some. Yeah!
Now I just have to edit lots of photos and put LOTS of blog posts together. haha
But it will be fun. :)

Only two weeks of prep

This next week will probably be devoted to getting the blog ahead and lots of little things.

Then the final week is decorating cookies for Ukraine visit and packing.

Thanks for sticking with me. :)

Instagram photos for this week:

Summer yum....

Beach Balls!!

My sweet daughter's flowers and Mothers Day card to me this morning.
"Hug shown is smaller than actually size."
I love you more, Jill!

Besides the fact that it's 39 degrees this morning.....
Wanna go on a picnic? heehee

Today we're going to the beach.....
Patriotic cookies....last set before starting cookies for Ukraine...

USA....Land I Love


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

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