Spring/Easter — Blog — CookieCrazie


Here's May Flowers from April Showers Decorated Cookies

Remember all those April Shower Decorated Cookies from last month?

Well here are all the May Flowers Decorated Cookies that came from them. :)

(The opening photo shows some flower cookies I gifted to my hostess in Salt Lake City who was God's incredible blessing to me so that I could teach classes at CookieCon2017. Thank you dear, dear Melissa!)


Rainbow Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

April showers bring May flowers.......but they also bring rainbows.

I love how whenever we see a rainbow......we are captivated. They truly are a gift from God.

The only drawback to making rainbow cookies is that you have to mix up lots of colors of icing. Thankfully, I had many of these left over from my spring palette. 

It's not necessary to have a specific rainbow cookie cutter. Just use a plain oval cutter with a corresponding smaller oval to cut out the inside of the rainbow. (see photo below)

After the cookies are baked and cooled, start adding the colored lines of glaze from outside of the rainbow to the inside. Pipe about 3-4 lines of each color before moving to the next color. This can be done wet-on-wet.
(For a guide on what order to place the colors, google rainbows and you'll see a pattern.)


Hippity Hoppity Easter Decorated Cookie Collection

It is so fun to change up the colors and styles of cookies going from the winter months into spring. The bright cheery colors lift the spirit and remind everyone of all the new life that occurs during this season.

I wish you all a very Happy Easter and a blessed Resurrection Day!


Painted Background Silhouette Easter Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

After discovering the neon sign style for cookies, I wanted to transfer that simple, clean look into a pastel spring color setting. I tried by using a white background on the cookies, but it was not the look I was going for. However, when I painted the cookies with bright spring-y colors and used white glaze for the silhouette and detail lines, it matched what I was envisioning.

Just like with the neon sign style, once you get the background painted on, the decorating is super quick and easy.

Using a mixture of bright Americolor gels and vodka (or a clear extract like almond), paint the surface of each cookie completely.

Allow them to dry for a few hours.

Using white glaze, add the outlines and detail lines to each cookie.
There are no set rules here, so have fun with this!
P.S. I had to keep reminding myself that simple is better. :)


Spring Bloom Decorated Cookie Collection

The change of all the seasons is always such a special time of year,
but after a cold bleak winter, spring is most definitely welcomed.

What better way to celebrate spring than to observe every thing blooming all around!

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