Patriotic/Military — Blog — CookieCrazie


Blessed USA Decorated Cookie Collection

Happy Birthday America!

It’s always fun to put together a red, white, and blue collection of favorite shapes to celebrate the birth of America.

I’m grateful to be a part of the USA and pray that God will continue to bless our great nation.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance.
Psalm 33:12




All American Food Decorated Cookie Collection

Here’s to celebrating ALL AMERICAN food.

It’s funny that most of these things are desserts/sweet treats. Not to mention the fact that they are SUGAR cookies! haha

I love emulating food on a sugar cookie. There’s something so challenging and fun about it.

What’s more American than chocolate chip cookies, apple pie, smores, ice cream cones, snow cones, cupcakes, and cheeseburgers! 🍪🥧🍫🍦🧁🍔

Take the time to enjoy a favorite treat this season. Life’s too short not to.



Freedom Decorated Cookie Collection

Oh the freedom available to us is amazing! And that freedom came at a price.

May we never forget those who sacrificed so that we might be free.


Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
John 15:13


Rustic Americana Decorated Cookie Collection

Today is Memorial Day….so this is my way of honoring those who have given so much for Americans to remain free.

Hurray for the red white and blue.
I’m a proud American and happy to create this rustic Americana set of cookies.

There’s something about patriotic designs that always make me want to “antique” them and make them more vintage. It’s pretty easy to add age to a decorated cookie. Just allow it to dry overnight and then make a thin mixture of brown dust and alcohol….dab it all over the cookie and then blot it with a clean cloth.

May God bless America.



Army Aviation Graduation Decorated Cookie Collection

My son, Keith, just accomplished a huge goal of his. After finishing college and becoming an army officer, he wanted to become a helicopter pilot. He had to endure many obstacles, but he finally got into the training in March of 2017 and graduated in July 2018!

To say that we're proud of him would be a MAJOR understatement. He has worked super hard and opened up a whole new season of life. 

Photo Aug 02, 10 52 52 AM.jpg

And what's an Army mom to do......but decorate him some very personalized cookies. :)

We love you so much and are THRILLED about your achievements.

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