year in review — Blog — CookieCrazie

year in review

2017 Cookies in the Rear View Mirror

The year is drawing to a close. 
It's time to take a look back at all the cookie highlights over these twelve months.

[Each photo in the carousel is tagged with a link to it's corresponding blog post.]

I've enjoyed EVERY cookie endeavor!
What a thrill it is to continue to create cookies on a weekly basis for a sweet cause.
I'm so very thankful for the opportunity.

YOU are part of what allows me to do this.
Because of your interest and presence on this website,
I am able to carry out my cookie decorating goals and dreams.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
YOU'VE made 2017 a very good year....

May this coming year bring more delightfully sweet opportunities to enjoy doing what we love with passion!

🎉🎉🎉🎉 ❤️❤️❤️ 🎉🎉🎉🎉


2016 Cookies in Review

There is something to be said for looking back and reviewing the past.
As I've sat here and gone back through all my 2016 cookie sets,
I realized the sheer number of cookies I've attempted......
and seen techniques grow and improve.

2016 has been an incredible year.
I've gained more and more experience and opportunity to expand my cookie art.
More money for Ukraine missions was raised this year compared to previous years.
Byler Media presented CookieCrazie an opportunity to expand the website
and create a fresh look and incorporate lots of cool features. (Thanks Marshall!)
And 2017 already shows promise of becoming an even better year. :)

Thanks so much for hanging with me here and supporting my work and ministry.
You have made this year surpass all others in exposure and support.
To that I am so very very grateful for your presence.

Going out with the old.....anticipating the new.
Here comes 2017!


2015 Sweet Review in Cookies

It's quite CRAZIE that another year has passed!
Twelve whole months have flown by......and we're about to start a new year.

But before the new year comes, I always like to take time to a look back, enjoy the memories,
and give thanks to God for how kind He is to allow me to do what I do. :)

I've picked out several favorite cookie collections from 2015.

It's time to walk down memory lane.

Thank you for being so supportive and walking along with me on this journey.
I appreciate each and every one of you.

I pray that God will go with us as we go into 2016.....

[Click on the photo to see the corresponding blog post]

























It's been a very SWEET YEAR!

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, January 2, 2015

Join CookieCrazie for......

CookieCruise 2015 on January 22-26, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

Christmas was wonderful.
We were all together......
and had lots of great time to enjoy each other, good food, 
and celebrate the birth of Christ.

And all too quickly, it was over. 
Almost everyone went home......and we had a much quieter house. 
I challenged myself to get all ten Christmas trees plus decorations put away on Monday.
With some help from my boys......I did it!

The house is clean.....but seems a bit empty.
However, once all the clean-up was done from Christmas, it was time to get back to COOKIES!
Yeah. :)

This week I've been working on Valentines cookies.
I'm getting a few requested tutorials together.
And trying to get ahead before the CookieCruise 2015 happens in just THREE weeks!

Happy 2015, everyone!


Instagram photos for this week:

I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas.
Our family celebration starts this evening and goes through Sunday
 So we're just getting started!
Here's some winter silhouette cookies from last year.

The family enjoyed the "surprise" Christmas cookies.....

Happy Winter-y Sunday!

Flashback.....It's been a very good year.
Thank you God for all the blessings!

Here's to an awesome COOKIE year!


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

COOKIES in 2014.....reviewing the sweet year

It's always fun to take some time before the new year starts.....and look back on the past.

2014 has been a banner year for us in many ways.

After two beautiful weddings, we now have two new son-in-laws. 

Our house is an empty nest now.....ready for the grown-up birdies to visit from time-to-time.

One son just graduated from college this month and is set to take off into "real life".

CookieCrazie has truly gone CRAZIE this year too!
The blog has grown....the advertising has grown.....and the proceeds to Ukraine missions has grown.
CookieCrazie Custom Cutters were reborn via Creative Cookier
and are another contributing factor to the Ukraine missions proceeds. (Thank you Ginny!)
Plus, that empty nest mentioned above has allowed for LOTS more cookie creations. :)

While reminiscing over this year's cookies......
I wanted to thank all of you for cheering me along the way and being so supportive in what I do.
It truly is a gift and blessing from God.
I am ever so grateful!

[Click on the photo to see the related blog post from 2014.]























As we say goodbye to 2014.....and hello to 2015.....
I wish you a very happy new year!


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