autumn leaves — Blog — CookieCrazie

autumn leaves

Thanksgiving Decorated Cookie Collection 2019

Thanksgiving……a time of giving thanks. I love how those two words can be switched around. :)

Life is a gift…..something to be thankful for every day. As you can imagine, I don’t take it for granted anymore.

I’m so grateful for so many things…….life, family, friends, church, purpose, cookies!

But most of all I’m thankful to God. Nothing else matters without HIm. He is SO GOOD.

Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:20

Happy Thanksgiving!


Be Still Fall Decorated Cookie Collection

The changes of seasons is so inspiring. As I prepared ideas for autumn/fall cookies, this Bible verse came to mind.

Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

It seemed appropriate to center an entire cookie set around this truth.

God certainly has a way of showing Himself and His attributes through His creation. May we all take some time to be still and know……



Autumn Bliss Decorated Cookie Collection

Bliss - [ blis ] noun

1) supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment

2) Theology . the joy of heaven.

3) heaven; paradise

4) Archaic . a cause of great joy or happiness.

YES……that is a great definition of autumn! It brings such joy and happiness.

Here’s another cookie collection with a message….

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 16:11



Autumn Delights Decorated Cookie Collection

As promised......MORE autumn cookies to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year....

This set is a bit less traditional that my usual fall sets. And I tried to incorporate the wet-on-wet technique as much as possible. It's amazing how much faster it is to decorate a cookie when you flood it and add most of the details all at one time!

You've been forewarned that I'm currently dreaming up another fall-ish set of cookies for the near future.

Come on now......can there really be too many autumn cookies for the season? 😉

Apple & Pear Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE

Apple & Pear Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE

Autumn Banner Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Autumn Banner Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Autumn Leaf and Acorn Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE

Autumn Leaf and Acorn Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE

Autumn Gift Tag Decorated Cookies YouTube video HERE

Autumn Gift Tag Decorated Cookies YouTube video HERE

FALL Bunting Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video (Click on Photo)

FALL Bunting Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video (Click on Photo)

Mason Jar Fall Bouquet Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video (Click on Photo)

Mason Jar Fall Bouquet Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video (Click on Photo)

Harvest Wheat Pail Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video (Click on Photo)

Harvest Wheat Pail Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video (Click on Photo)


Autumn Leaf Textured Patchwork Quilt Decorated Cookie Collection

I love this little leaf tesselation cutter that Creative Cookier made for me a few years ago. Between loving quilts and loving makes the best of both worlds on COOKIES!

Here's a little tutorial I did using this cutter a couple of years ago:
Autumn Leaf Cookie Quilt (Tutorial)

For this particular "quilt", I utilized texture mats on cookie dough to make the tan lacy pieces and the orange burlap pieces. Then once they were baked, I covered them in dry dust. The watercolor pieces were done just like the watercolor cookies I did in this WaterColor Decorated Cookies post. 

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