Quilts/Patchwork — Blog — CookieCrazie


Happy Valentines Day Decorated Cookie Collection

Valentines Day is such a fun holiday to decorate cookies..... for multiple reasons. First of all, it is the day to express love, and since cookies do that every day of year, it just makes sense to make cookies for the ones we love and cherish. And then, there is a bazillion ways to decorate heart cookies and the like to customize them to each color combination and style. 

I love choosing a sprinkle mix made by Sweets & Treats and then making a whole slew of cookies to match it. For this set, I used the Sweet Treats mix and added some red into it too. :)

I hope you can feel the love and enjoy the Valentines Day holiday. I'm sending lots of love within this blog post to all of you....



Heart Patchwork Quilt Decorated Cookie Collection


If you've been around this blog for any length of time, you know how much I love quilts.....and how I love to incorporate them in my cookie sets.

This one didn't require any special cutters or patterns. I just took nine square cookies and imprinted hearts within them before baking to create a 3D illusion.

The decorating process was fun because I kept the cookies together the entire time and decorated them all at once. I even have a video to prove it. :)


It was super fun to make a simple, yet effective quilt pattern... made with tons of love. 


Gingerbread 2017 Decorated Cookie Collection

Gingerbread cookies are the cutest.......but they also fill the house with the "smell of Christmas". Everytime I bake them, the nostalgia comes over me as I open that oven door and catch a waft of that spic-y cinnamon-y yumm-y smell that immediately reminds me of Christmas memories.

Here's the "official" gingerbread cookie set of the season, complete with several ginger people, a house, and lots of "merry-ness". ❤️

Gingerbread Boy & Girl Decorated Cookies YouTube video HERE   Gingerbread House Decorated Cookie YouTube Video HERE

Alphabet Cutters found HERE


Gingerbread Christmas Tree Quilt Decorated Cookie Collection

Christmas + Quilts = Bliss
As you can see.....I love both with a passion.
Combining a Christmas theme with a quilt theme must be the ultimate, right?

A few years ago, Ginny of Creative Cookier made this fun tree cutter for me that allows you to make a tessellation. I can't seem to get enough of it. Every year, I look at that cutter and want to make a new set. It's fun to see the different patterns over the years...... side by side.

This year's quilt included burlap molded cookie dough for every other tree. That rustic look gets me every time.

Check out my previous posts on making tessellation cookie sets for tips on how to create a set that fits well together and coordinates best.

Here's some of my previous creations with the tessellation theme.


Autumn Leaf Textured Patchwork Quilt Decorated Cookie Collection

I love this little leaf tesselation cutter that Creative Cookier made for me a few years ago. Between loving quilts and loving autumn.......it makes the best of both worlds on COOKIES!

Here's a little tutorial I did using this cutter a couple of years ago:
Autumn Leaf Cookie Quilt (Tutorial)

For this particular "quilt", I utilized texture mats on cookie dough to make the tan lacy pieces and the orange burlap pieces. Then once they were baked, I covered them in dry dust. The watercolor pieces were done just like the watercolor cookies I did in this WaterColor Decorated Cookies post. 

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