Indian corn — Blog — CookieCrazie

Indian corn

Thanksgiving Decorated Cookie Collection 2019

Thanksgiving……a time of giving thanks. I love how those two words can be switched around. :)

Life is a gift…..something to be thankful for every day. As you can imagine, I don’t take it for granted anymore.

I’m so grateful for so many things…….life, family, friends, church, purpose, cookies!

But most of all I’m thankful to God. Nothing else matters without HIm. He is SO GOOD.

Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:20

Happy Thanksgiving!


So Blessed Thanksgiving Decorated Cookie Collection

Recognizing our's what Thanksgiving is all about.
I am truly blessed.....and today, I'm counting my blessings.

Psalm 146:2-6 sums it up well:

I will praise the Lord all my life;
    I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
Do not put your trust in princes,
    in human beings, who cannot save.
When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
    on that very day their plans come to nothing.
Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob,
    whose hope is in the Lord their God.
He is the Maker of heaven and earth,
    the sea, and everything in them—
    he remains faithful forever.
I hope this special holiday season affords you time to reflect and dwell on the things for which you are most thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Indian Corn Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

For some reason, Indian corn cookies have been hard to emulate in the past.
Either they were way too detailed and time consuming, or
they didn't appear the way I wanted them to.
Now with fondant embossers, I found a design that I really like....
and it's not too time-consuming.


Believe it or not, I used a tall Easter egg cutter for this design.
But a longer oval will work just fine.

Outline and flood the entire shape in gold glaze.
Allow the icing to dry for at least 3 hours, and then use either one of these embossers to imprint "kernel" marks into the glaze.

There are other brick texture mats that also might work to make these impressions.

Using orange and brown glaze, outline and flood a few random kernel impressions
throughout the cookie.
(see photo below)

Dry overnight.

Dust dry chocolate luster dust over the kernels to give it a shaded and rustic look.


Harvest Cookie Collection

Thanksgiving is almost upon us.......
And we've enjoyed a fabulous autumn.
Oh....the cookies that have been made. :)

Harvest time is definitely a seen by the huge number of cookie posts this season. :)

May you round out the season with lots of love and thanksgiving.....





Happy Harvest!

Harvest Cookie Collection

Mini Cornucopia Cookies (Tutorial)

To make mini cornucopia cookies you will need:
  • Assorted mini sugar cookies (see below)
  • Medium Brown 10-Second Glaze
  • Dark Brown 10-Second Glaze
  • Orange 10-Second Glaze
  • Gold 10-Second Glaze
  • Green 10-Second Glaze
  • Red 10-Second Glaze
  • Purple 10-Second Glaze
  • Ice Cream Cones (waffle style)
 Decide what fruits, vegetables, etc you'd like to include in your mini cornucopia and then
search through your mini cutters to find something comparable.
I'm showing you here how I cut out my Indian corn, apple, grapes, pumpkin, and leaf.
Use your imagination to come up with other fun shapes.

    Here's a pictorial of how I did all my mini shapes....

    I used a "sugar" ice cream cone as my cornucopia.

    AFTER I did this, of course!, I saw this cool link
    on how to curl the end of a waffle cone.
    So I'm sharing it with you......
    so your mini cornucopias can be way cooler than mine. :)

    Thanksgiving Cornucopia
    Happy Thanksgiving
    Here Comes the Turkeys......Happy Thanksgiving

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