turkey — Blog — CookieCrazie


Thanksgiving Decorated Cookie Collection 2019

Thanksgiving……a time of giving thanks. I love how those two words can be switched around. :)

Life is a gift…..something to be thankful for every day. As you can imagine, I don’t take it for granted anymore.

I’m so grateful for so many things…….life, family, friends, church, purpose, cookies!

But most of all I’m thankful to God. Nothing else matters without HIm. He is SO GOOD.

Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:20

Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving Gobble Decorated Cookie Collection

Well the turkey cookies have come out in full force to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Add a little fun and whimsy to your celebration with a few of these cute little guys that you can later "gobble" up. (Sorry.....I couldn't resist.) 

Oval Turkey Face Decorated Cookie YouTube video HERE

Happy Thanksgiving Banner Decorated Cookie YouTube Video found HERE     Happy Plaque Cutter found HERE.


Stick Feather Turkey Decorated Cookie Collection (Tutorial)

I saw a cute rustic Thanksgiving wall hanging using long rectangular sticks for turkey feathers.....and couldn't resist making the design into cookies.



Cutters used include a hexagon cutter, SweetSugarBelle's snowman cutter found in ShapeShifters set, and a long thin rectangle cutter (1"x5.5"). You'll need at least 8 "feather" sticks for the platter.


Autumn Leaf Thanksgiving Turkey Decorated Cookie Collection

Making a platter of cookies look like a turkey for Thanksgiving is nothing new. But the twist on this set is to use the feather shapes to make autumn leaves.

Any way you construct it, the results will be charming.

Gobble gobble......

Cookie Cutters found HERE.


May your Thanksgiving dessert table be adorned with a cute turkey cookie platter.....


Happy 2014 Thanksgiving!


It has been a fabulous autumn season.......such a perfect time of year.

And now as it draws to a close, I wanted to take time to reflect on all the blessings.

My heart is super grateful for all of you and your support of CookieCrazie.

Because of this blog and it's viewership, funds are raised to help some dear Ukrainian
brothers and sisters who are in need of some extra love and help at this moment in time.

With all my heart.....I thank you!

And I thank God for His incredible love and mercy to me......
and His gracious gift of allowing me to do this in His name. :)

But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and
uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.
2 Corinthians 2:14



2014 Thanksgiving Cookie Collection
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