wheat sheaf — Blog — CookieCrazie

wheat sheaf

We Gather Together Thanksgiving Decorated Cookie Collection

The best part of the Thanksgiving holiday (besides the giving thanks to God part!) is gathering together with family and showing gratitude for all the things we are blessed with. I always immediately think of the hymn "We Gather Together". I have sweet memories from my childhood of Thanksgiving Day preparations with my dad and then the time for the family to gather for the day and enjoy each other (and lots of food.....of course 😳).

Here's a collection of cookies to express my heartfelt gratitude and thanks to God for all He does and that He allows me to express myself here on this blog. What a privilege it is to carry out His purposes each day of my life.

Thank you for "gathering" here on a regular basis and supporting my work and mission for Him. ❤️


Thanksgiving Whole Pie Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Pumpkin Pie Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube Video HERE

We Gather Together Thanksgiving Plaque Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

wheat sheaf decorated sugar cookies YouTube video HERE

Alphabet Block XL cutters found HERE


Country Harvest Decorated Cookie Collection


This season gets me EVERY time.
I'm always amazed at how easy it is to re-create new cookie designs for harvest. What a pleasure to emulate a rustic country vintage harvest season via cookies.

May your Harvest be bountiful and delightful!

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, September 18, 2015

CookieCrazie is teaching hands-on classes in the coming days!

CookieCrazie will be teaching Pre-CookieCon classes!
Click here for more details.



CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

This has been a week of running in circles.
I've prepped and prepped and prepped and PREPPED for Cookie Con.
It has been exhausting.....but a good kind of exhausting. 

I'm super excited about the event and the opportunity to teach classes.
I've only got a short list of things left to complete before Tuesday morning's departure.
Since I work this weekend.....I hope to have most everything done by Friday evening.
We'll see.....

I'm going to do my best to keep you informed of things going on at CookieCon
via Instagram and Facebook
So if you haven't already followed me and you want to stay informed, come along for the ride. :)


Instagram photos for this week:

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in You." Isaiah 26:3

Happy Saturday!
"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19
#shabbychic #heartoflove #cookielove

Happy Sunday!

Harvest.....such a wonderful time of year!
#autumn #fall #harvest #pumpkin #squash #gourd

My daughter, Jill, and her Joe were getting married last year at this time.
What a wonderful memory!
#wedding #weddingcookies #shabbychic #penguin #dachshund


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Wheat Sheaf Cookies (Tutorial)

Wheat sheaves add such beauty to an autumn cookie platter.
They have been on my cookie "bucket list" for quite some time.
There's lots of lines to pipe, but the end results make it worth it.

Any long rectangle-shaped cookie will provide  the area needed for the wheat sheaf.

I created the shape used here by cutting a large long oval.
Cut off the bottom for a flat surface and cut out some arc-ed sides with the long oval cutter.
(see photo below)

Once the cookie is baked and cooled, flood the entire surface with white glaze.

Dry for about 1 hour. 
Outline and flood the wheat sheaf shape (try to say that quickly!) with tan glaze.
(see photo below)

Allow the tan glaze to dry for at least 30 minutes.
Then in 15 minute increments, add rows of vertical lines as shown below.

After 2 or 3 layers of vertical lines, begin to add the diagonal wheat kernels, first on one side.
After 15 minutes, add the kernels on the other side.
(see photo below)

Add some type of tie around the "waist" of the sheaf.
(see photo below)

Dry overnight.

Add dimension and "age" to the wheat by dusting on some caramel pearl dust.

Autumn 2015 Cookie Collection
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