CookieCon 2015 — Blog — CookieCrazie

CookieCon 2015

2017 Pre-CookieCon Classes: Registration Starts Friday October 28, 2016

CookieCrazie is offering classes at 2017 CookieCon!
For complete info check out the Classes Page.

Get ready for 2017 CookieCon.
Tickets for the convention go on sale Wednesday, October 26, 2016 @ 7 PM MDT.
It's an event of a life time.
Check out this blog post from last year's 2015 event.

In addition to the actual convention and sugar show, there will be pre-Cookie Con classes offered Wednesday, March 8 and Thursday, March 9 by a vast array of cookie decorators.

CookieCrazie is offering two different classes, one being offered twice.

To learn techniques related to the rustic style, check out the "Going Rustic" class offered twice on Wednesday, March 8.


And for all things shabby chic, take a look at the "Adding Shabby to the Chic" class offered on Thursday, March 9.

The registration for CookieCrazie's classes will begin
8 AM CST on Friday, October 28, 2016.

Tickets will be sold on a "first-come, first-serve" basis with a limit of 12 students per class.

We would love to see you there!

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, October 23, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

I've been busy this week creating more and more and more new cookie designs for winter.
This week is was one of my favorite subjects, SNOWMEN. 
The fun never ends. :)

I had the privilege of sharing my extra CookieCon book with the winner of the giveaway, 
Misti Ring of RoyalR Confections.
Congratulations Misti! 

I wish I could send all of you that were unable to attend CookieCon a copy of the book..... : /
Hopefully, you're able to see enough pages from the book (with the artists sharing) 
that you get a good idea of what it is like.
I hope your autumn is going well and you are enjoying the season as much as I am.


Instagram photos for this week:

A simple reminder......
I hope your Friday is filled with wonderful things.
#givethanks #thanksgiving

Yes, It's nearly cold enough to make these appear this morning.
#snow #snowflake #brrrr #winter

Happy Sunday! #acorn #pumpkin

And the WINNER is...... @misti_royalrconfections!
I'll be contacting you via your FB page, so be looking for my message.
Thanks to everyone for your interest and support!

Here's the cookie scene I contributed to the #CookieCon2015 book
"If You Give a Cookie Decorator an Order".
I jumped on the chance to create CookieConnie at the grocery store
getting ingredients to make her cookies.


May your Tuesday be filled with sparkle and shine
#shabbychic #ruffles

A favorite random set of cookies done last fall, using Philippians 4:8,
"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."



Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

2015 PreCookieCon Classes

There was a new feature at this year's CookieCon.
Pre-CookieCon Specialty and Hands-On classes were offered on Wednesday and Thursday
before the actual event began.

I had the honor and privilege to teach classes on glaze and share lots of fun decorating techniques.

The first class was Glaze Cookie Decorating 101: Gratifying Glaze.
This four-hour hands-on class covered all the basics of using glaze.
Most of my students had never used glaze before,
so this allowed them the chance to decorate with it and learn all it's great properties.

The second class (offered both Wed afternoon and Thurs morning) was
Glaze Cookie Decorating 201: It's all in the Details.
This class covered the more advanced techniques I use, in particular adding texture.
We also made edible clay in class, discussed all it's uses, and added it to our class projects.

What a delightful time we had!
I was a bit nervous, as there was SO MUCH to think about
with doing hands on decorating far away from home.
Just getting all the supplies there and prepping beforehand in the hotel was quite a task.

Two of my students couldn't make it to class because of some severe extenuating circumstances.
So we did a little "make-up" class on Saturday morning
where I attempted to pour everything I could into both of them in a shorter amount of time.
It was fun to have all the one-on-one time.

Thankfully, I had two AMAZING ladies who helped me through the whole process.
We worked hard for about 48 hours straight (not quite enough sleep in there!).
There was lots to do from the moment we arrived at the hotel
until the classes were over on Thursday afternoon.
I could NOT have done it without Nancy Paine and Cristin Sohm.
(Thank you ladies again. I am blessed to have such generous friends!)

The Pre-CookieCon classes were such good experience and
I would do it again without a second thought.

In fact, I'm considering teaching more classes on my own.
If you're interested in helping me set up one in your area,
I need some assistance with a venue and a source of local help.
Email me if you are interested.

 CookieCon was amazing all by itself.....but to add these hands-on classes put the week over-the-top.

Thanks Karen and Mike for the opportunity to share and grow.

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, October 16, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

Yeah.....I'm back to decorating cookies!
It's been more than a month since I've gotten to decorate cookies in my kitchen, 
and boy, does it feel great. 
I've missed being in my "happy place".

I'm starting to try out some of the new things I purchased at CookieCon,
plus try new techniques and inspiration gained there.
That's one of the coolest things about CookieCon......
what it spurs us on to do afterwards. :)

Be sure to check out the CookieCon book giveaway on Instagram.
The giveaway is open until Sunday Oct 18 midnight, CST.


Instagram photos for this week:

Oh're grand! #fall #autumn #autumnleaves #tessellation #quilt

May your Saturday be filled with autumn beauty...... #autumn #fall

It's time to start thinking about #pumpkinpie!
Mmmmmmm...... #fall #autumn #thanksgiving #pie

Yeah! Baking cookies after weeks of deprivation. ;) #ilovecookies

Happy Tuesday!

Finally....... The perfect purple.So far, I love ProGel color! :)

Last year's pumpkin platter..... #tbt #throwback



Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCon 2015 Book

CookieCon 2015 held lots of fun surprises.

One of them was the creation of this book about Cookie Connie entitled,
"If You Give a Cookie Decorator an Order".

Each of the twenty pages feature a scene full of cookies......created by a different cookie artist.

It is truly a one-of-a-kind book that brings a smile to the face.

The first "official reading" of the book was done at CookieCon 2015 on September 24, 2015.
After the opening ceremony, every participant was given a book.

I had the distinct privilege of designing a page in the book.
When I saw a chance to create a grocery store scene, I jumped at it. :)

The aisle cookies were huge.......around 10" tall at the longest point.

I joked about giving a thumb to Cookie she was thumb-less in the original photos.
But how in the world was she going to hold a grocery list without a thumb?! haha

I put so many ingredients in the grocery cart that you could hardly see the cart cookie itself.

Here's a photo with fewer ingredients so you can actually see a bit more of the cart.

There are so many wonderful pages in the book.

The details are FABULOUS!


I have some good news and some bad news.

First....the bad news. (I always like to get it over with first.)

This book was only made for those who attended CookieCon 2015. It will not be offered for sale. :(

BUT..... the good news....

I have an extra copy that I'm giving away on the CookieCrazie Instagram page!

To enter the CookieCon 2015 Book giveaway on Instagram...

Repost today's CookieCrazie Giveaway image including the hashtag #cookiecrazieccbook
(Don't forget the hashtag! That's my only way to track all participants.)

You must be following CookieCrazie's Instagram page.
Your account must be public for confirmation.
You may only enter one time.
Enter before Sunday, October 18, at midnight CST.
International participants are welcome. 
A winner will be chosen at random and announced on Monday, October 19 via Instagram.

The GIVEAWAY is now closed.

Thanks so much for being a part of my cookie world and supporting my ministry.

❤ ❤ ❤

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