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Rustic Americana Decorated Cookie Collection

Today is Memorial Day….so this is my way of honoring those who have given so much for Americans to remain free.

Hurray for the red white and blue.
I’m a proud American and happy to create this rustic Americana set of cookies.

There’s something about patriotic designs that always make me want to “antique” them and make them more vintage. It’s pretty easy to add age to a decorated cookie. Just allow it to dry overnight and then make a thin mixture of brown dust and alcohol….dab it all over the cookie and then blot it with a clean cloth.

May God bless America.



Merry & Bright Christmas Decorated Sugar Cookie Collection

Oh how MERRY & BRIGHT this season is.

Cookies always enhance the season and give it even more delight and pizazz. 

I pray you have a very blessed Christmas filled with amazing sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and memories.


Basket & Wood Plank Christmas Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE

Snowman on Distressed Wood Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Wood Grain NOEL Plaque Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Truck with Christmas Tree Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Funky Snowman Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Christmas Gift with Bow Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE


Homespun Christmas Tree Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

This is one of my favorite Christmas cutters.
Several years ago, I designed this shape with some good cookie friends and the cutters were made in mass quantity. But eventually, they sold out of the cutter and it was hard to place another order. Thankfully, my good friends at Creative Cookier agreed to offer this shape in their shop. You can find the "Homespun Christmas Tree" cutter HERE

Refer to the video and photos below to learn how the two homespun tree designs were made.

And there you have it......two fun homespun Christmas tree cookie designs.


Gingerbread Christmas Tree Quilt Decorated Cookie Collection

Christmas + Quilts = Bliss
As you can see.....I love both with a passion.
Combining a Christmas theme with a quilt theme must be the ultimate, right?

A few years ago, Ginny of Creative Cookier made this fun tree cutter for me that allows you to make a tessellation. I can't seem to get enough of it. Every year, I look at that cutter and want to make a new set. It's fun to see the different patterns over the years...... side by side.

This year's quilt included burlap molded cookie dough for every other tree. That rustic look gets me every time.

Check out my previous posts on making tessellation cookie sets for tips on how to create a set that fits well together and coordinates best.

Here's some of my previous creations with the tessellation theme.


Honey Jar Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

Harvest time brings the opportunity for jars of yummy-ness......honey, jelly, jam, and more!
And the cute containers make the delicious treat even more special.

Start with a container or jar-shaped cookie. There's tons of choices of mason jar cutters and the like out there. The site where I purchased the honey jar is not available right now to share a link. :(

You'll also need a mini plaque cutter to create a cute tag cookie that you can tie onto your jar.  Be sure to cut out a hole in the top using a straw.
(see photos and video below)

Harvest time cuteness....coming right up! 

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