homespun Christmas tree cutter — Blog — CookieCrazie

homespun Christmas tree cutter

Homespun Christmas Tree Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

This is one of my favorite Christmas cutters.
Several years ago, I designed this shape with some good cookie friends and the cutters were made in mass quantity. But eventually, they sold out of the cutter and it was hard to place another order. Thankfully, my good friends at Creative Cookier agreed to offer this shape in their shop. You can find the "Homespun Christmas Tree" cutter HERE

Refer to the video and photos below to learn how the two homespun tree designs were made.

And there you have it......two fun homespun Christmas tree cookie designs.


Birthday Cake Cookies

To make a birthday cake cookie,
you can use specific cutters for a birthday/wedding cake.....

or you can use the CookieCrazie Homespun Tree cutter and trim it a bit for a cake cookie.

Using your choice of colors,  add lots of details for each layer of "cake".
There are so many ways to customize it for the birthday recipient....
colors, design, candles, name, etc
Have fun creating fun birthday cookies!

Butterfly Cookies

Another favorite thing.......butterflies.
There are so many different kinds......different colors.....different wing designs.
Love them. :)

I decided to try to make a more "homespun" version of a butterfly.......patchwork style.
So I pulled out my homespun Christmas Tree cookie cutter and got creative.

It was super fun to do it......
but hardly anyone knew what it was without the other butterflies near by. :(

But when I put them all together, it sort of lookes like a butterfly. lol

Patchwork Easter Egg Cookies

Homespun Tree Cutter Valentines Cookies

I wanted to find some ways to use
CookieCrazie's Homespun Tree Cutter for Valentines Day.

It makes sense to have a Valentines Day tree, right? ;)

And if you cut the cookie just right, you'll have a perfect homespun heart cookie.


All proceeds of the sale of these cutters go to our Ukraine mission effort.

CookieCrazie Homespun Tree Cutter

Now go make some Valentines trees and homespun hearts. :)

CookieCrazie Custom Cutters: Cupcake Cutter Collaboration
CookieCrazie Custom Cutters: Cupcake Cutter!
CookieCrazie Custom Cutters: Homespun Christmas Tree Cutter
More Homespun Tree Cutter Cookies
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