Valentines Day — Blog — CookieCrazie

Valentines Day

Devoted Love Valentines Decorated Cookie Collection

The classic Valentines colors and designs…… I enjoy doing them every year.

The Bible says to be devoted to one another in love. So that’s my goal in these coming days….. to be zealous with my affection and loyalty. Sounds like a good plan……not uncommon for God’s Word. :)

Devoted [ dih-voh-tid ]- adjective
zealous or ardent in attachment, loyalty, or affection

Be devoted to one another in love.
Romans 12:10



Steadfast Love Valentines Decorated Cookie Collection

Valentines Day…….I love this holiday.

This year, my goal is to remember the true messages all around me. Even though Valentines Day is generally for couples in love……I wanted to emphasize the true origin of LOVE.

God’s love is the ultimate and it has been such a comfort to me over these many months of thinking about life and death. He loves us so much……and that’s what I want to celebrate this season.

God’s love is steadfast….

Steadfast [ sted-fast] - adjective
fixed in direction; firm in purpose, resolution, and faith, unwavering, firmly fixed in place or position.

Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you.
Psalm 33:22



HodgePodge Valentines Decorated Cookie Collection

This is what happens when you randomly cut out a bunch of hearts and shapes you’ve been meaning to do…..and then you just jump in and decorate. It’s like a little cookie party. :)

I love Valentines Day……and I love all of you….and appreciate your love and support.

Here’s to spreading a little love wherever you go….



Country Valentines Decorated Cookie Collection

How many ways are there to show love on a cookie? Apparently, there is an endless number. :)

Different shapes, textures, and colors……just throwing out a few more options to add to the list.

Love is all you need! 💜


Happy Valentines Day Decorated Cookie Collection

Valentines Day is such a fun holiday to decorate cookies..... for multiple reasons. First of all, it is the day to express love, and since cookies do that every day of year, it just makes sense to make cookies for the ones we love and cherish. And then, there is a bazillion ways to decorate heart cookies and the like to customize them to each color combination and style. 

I love choosing a sprinkle mix made by Sweets & Treats and then making a whole slew of cookies to match it. For this set, I used the Sweet Treats mix and added some red into it too. :)

I hope you can feel the love and enjoy the Valentines Day holiday. I'm sending lots of love within this blog post to all of you....


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