Gone Buggy: Butterfly Cookies (Tutorial) — CookieCrazie

Gone Buggy: Butterfly Cookies (Tutorial)

To make Butterfly Cookies you will need:

Outline & Flood the body of the butterfly with black glaze.

Outline the butterfly wings.
Allow cookie to dry for at least an hour
so the black does not bleed into the wing color.
Or....keep body icing separate from wings.

Flood wings.
Add wet on wet or layering designs as desired.

Allow cookie to dry overnight.
Mix a drop of almond extract with either

Paint onto butterfly wings.

Yeah! Pretty Butterflies (and easy too!)....
Sadly this photo does not do justice
to the awesome finish of the butterfly wings.
I love how the gel/dust makes it look more
translucent like real butterfly wings. :)

Past Butterfly Cookies:

Gone Buggy Tutorial Collection

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