Awwww.....Spring! — CookieCrazie


What a perfect day to be posting SPRING cookies on my blog. :) It is about 65 degrees, sunny and breezy. The sky is filled with lots of beautiful blue and those wonderful puffy clouds. The grass is incredible green all of sudden in the last few days. The red buds are pink......all the trees are in full bloom or green. The flowers are gorgeous. I love spring! (But then, if you haven't noticed.....I love ever season. lol) This season brings so much color, beauty and new life.

So I decided to go all out this week and make a bunch of spring cookies (without a hint of Easter cookies). What a fun set. I tried lots of new things and enjoyed every second of it.....except for the utter exhaustion as I crawled to bed last night. But it was a good kind of tired. ;)

Garden cookies...... that cute garden glove idea came from Callye's brilliant-ness. =)

April showers.......

.....bring May flowers. :)

BUZZZZZZZ........... (love how the hive turned out....and it was so easy.)

Ladybugs.....I love them so much. They're pretty generic.....everyone makes them.....but I can't get enough of them.

Birdhouses..... 'pillars.....and dragonflies. I was pleasantly surprised at the outcome of the birdhouses.

Lots of butterflies this go around......first some with buttons, stripes and polka-dots.

A more quilted look in a big butterfly.....

And then some more realistic butterflies. I love how the black in these just make them pop.

And my favorite of all in this batch......some patchwork flowers with buttons. My daughters were oohhhing and ahhhhing........made me feel so good. =)

My latest spring collection. Fun!

Hopefully I'll get to play again next week. Now that Easter (and tons of Easter music) is over.....I have more time on my hands. Hip hip hurray!
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