elephant — Blog — CookieCrazie


Elephant Themed Baby Girl Shower Decorated Cookie Collection

I'd just like to say that this "being a GRAMMY" phenomenon is incredibly wonderful.
My second grandchild arrived late this spring.....HER name is Emmy Kate.  💗

I already LOVE to create cookies for others, but when it's for my grandchildren, it is the BEST.
Just knowing that some day Emmy will see the photos of these cookies and delight in the idea that she is so incredibly loved by her Grammy.......brings me pure joy.
Plus, I love to spoil those around me with cookies.
And baking/decorating is definitely my love language. :)

The  baby shower had an elephant theme......so creating cute elephants and lots of other baby cookies to match was super fun.

Welcome Emmaline Kate!
We think you're awesome...... 💗💗💗


Ellie the Elephant Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

When I was approached about contributing an animal shape for Cookie Cutters for Charity, I immediately knew I wanted to do an elephant. My daughter-in-law was using elephants to decorate for our second grandchild arriving in May 2017. I had already planned to make some cute elephant cookies for the baby shower. So this was the perfect chance to come up with a cute shape for both the shower and the charity event. It was a win win for both!

The entire collection of animal cutters from a host of awesome decorators is now available HERE. There are 17 different shapes and a beautiful booklet sharing about each decorator and their contribution. 

100% of the profits from the sale of these cutters goes toward the Helping Hands, Inc ministry in India which teaches underprivileged women some professional baking/decorating skills for a job. What a blessed ministry!

Animal Cookie Cutter Set for Charity

Ellie the Elephant (which is not an original name.....but since my granddaughter is Emmy, it fit) was born.

She's pretty easy to decorate. Just outline and flood the entire shape in the color glaze of your choice. Add a wet-on-wet pattern if desired. Allow it to dry for about 1 hour before adding a second layer for the head, ears, and trunk. (see photos below)

While the second layer is still wet, add two black pearls for her eyes.

And if you are so inclined, add stitch marks and eyebrows with a black edible food color marker.


Zoo Animals Cookie Collection

A very precious friend asked me to make some zoo animal cookies for her daughter's 2nd birthday. 
She wanted them to be grain-free, so that added a twist to the challenge. 
My Simple Grain-Free Cut Out Cookie recipe worked perfectly for this occasion.

I did a Jungle Buddies cookie series about three years ago. 
It included a hippo, giraffe, lion, elephant, zebra, and monkey with cookie tutorials for each. 
Since that time, Cheap Cookie Cutters has created some of those shapes into cutters.

Here's the brown bear cookie tutorial I put together for this series.

And since the monkey shape was not included with Cheap Cookie Cutters designs, here's how I simplified that shape. Using a snowman head cutter and the curved edge cutter in SugarBelle's Shape Shifters set, cut out the monkey head as shown below.

Outline the monkey head filling in a thicker outline of the ears and the entire upper head with dark brown glaze.

After the glaze has dried for about 30 minutes, fill in the ears and "snout" portion of the monkey with light tan glaze as shown below.

After some dry time, add the eyes, nose, and mouth with white and black glaze. 

Langley loved her animal cookies. Her favorite was the lion........ Rrrrrrr!

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, March 14, 2014

Cookie Con 2014 is this next week.
Stay tuned for a full report once I return. :)


CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

This is going to be fairly short and sweet.
I'm preparing to fly to Salt Lake City for CookieCon 2014......
and so I've got a to-do-list a mile long.

I can't tell you how excited I am to meet many of you for the first time.....
and to reunite with others I met at the first Cookie Con.
It is going to be an amazing time in the cookie world.
If you are unable to go this time......PLAN NOW for next time.
You won't want to miss it.

I hope to get lots of photos and report back to you about all that happened.
While waiting, you could check out my CookieCon post from last time.

I'll try to peek in next Friday, but CookieCon will be in FULL swing, so my time may be limited.

Here we go......

Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

I'm ready.....how about you?

Happy Monday!

Just "coloring" with luster dust today.
So happy that it's spring-like outside!!!

It won't be long..... 

Getting in on the fun....just one week from today, heading to SLC for CookieCon14!
Can't wait to see everyone and go CRAZIE over cookies! :)
 #cookiecon14 #imgoingtocookiecon14


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, March 7, 2014

Cookie Con 2014 is happening soon.
I'd LOVE to see you there!


CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

Spring & Easter has broken out here....at least in cookies. :)

We had a sleet storm on Sunday.....when I was baking the above cookies. haha
Hopefully that was the last major storm of the winter season.
Don't get me wrong.....I realize that it is only the beginning of March.....
and last year, our biggest storm was at the end of March, 
but I'm just being hopeful that we've had enough winter for the year. :)

Cookie Con is just TWO WEEKS away. 
Wow......it is so exciting to think about how fun last time was.....
and that we will repeat it with double the number of participants. 
Can't wait!
Will I see YOU there?

Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!


Mmmmm......I'm CRAZIE about blueberries.

 This is happening today.....

Excited about the colors this week!


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

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