2012 CookieCon: The Cookie Event of the Decade — CookieCrazie

2012 CookieCon: The Cookie Event of the Decade

I've just returned from an absolutely amazing cookie event.
There's so much to share.....

I promise that this is going to be a LONG post with lots of photos.
That's a warning to those who don't want the full details. ;)

With so many photos to choose from.....
I made collages of various topics.
Needless to say.....this has taken way too much time and energy.
(Hmmm......just like my cookies. haha)
But I've enjoyed every minute of it and hope you will enjoy the end result.
A labor of love.....

Cookie Con

...the first of it's kind...
International (7 countries represented)

Cookie Art Convention & Sugar Show
 in Salt Lake City, Utah on Nov 1 - 3.

Read much more about it at www.cookiecon.net.


I took off early Wednesday morning, October 31.

We stayed in the beautiful DoubleTreeSuites.
The accommodations were excellent.

Salt Lake City was gorgeous this time of year.
All the colorful leaves were still on the trees.
You can see mountains in every direction.
We had mostly warm temperatures and sunny days.
Nice. :)

 Since several of us arrived at least a day early.....we decided to have some fun together.
We visited a store called Gygi Culinary Arts Center.
Needless to say.....it was a cookie decorator's delight.
See that wall of cookie cutters? AMAZING!
(And yes.....I have a cupcake on my head. haha)

Here's my lovely group of "pre-CookieCon" friends as we strolled through
the City Creek mall and went out to lunch together.
I love this bunch of ladies!!!

One of the most highly acclaimed restaurants in SLC is Red Iguana.
Since it was not within walking distance.....
we went to the "Taste of Red Iguana" at the mall that day for lunch.
DELICIOUS! And the best part was being with cookie friends.
(My super nachos were about twice as big as I am. heehee)

And then....it was time for the long awaited CookieCon to start.

The first thing we received was our swag books.
WOW......they were awesome.
Talk about a delightful bit of Christmas for one who loves to decorate cookies!

We played a fun card swapping game to get to know each other.
We had a blast. The noise level in the hotel went up a few decibels very quickly. ;)

Lots of friendships grew this weekend.

Karen & Mike (Karen's Cookies) were our hosts.
They put on the Greatest Show on Earth!
This was the first time they had done anything like this......
and yet it seemed they had thought of everything.....and spoiled us rotten.
They are both such wonderful, giving people that love sharing cookie decorating with others.

A huge thanks and congratulations go to them as they celebrate a
very successful international cookie event!

The presentations were fabulous!

Alison Stinnett: Piping and RI transfers
Glory Albin: Fondant on Cookies & Photography and Food Styling
 Pam Sneed: De-mystifying Glaze & Packaging and Boxes with BRP Box Shop
Callye Alvarado: Cookie Think
Elizabeth Adams: Painting on Cookies
Lisa Snyder: Airbrushing
Julia Usher: Stenciling and Adding Dimension to Cookies
Maryann Rollins: Platters, Message Cookies, and Beyond Platters

So much was taught.
So much was learned.
I'm honored to be in the company of all of these dear ladies.

Probably the highlight of the presentations was Arty McGoo's love note
made for all the CookieCon attendees.
I believe there were not many dry eyes in the house when this video ended.

Arty McGoo's Cookie Con Love Letter

My first presentation was on "De-mystifying Glaze".
I was a bit nervous.....but all went well.
And there were lots of sweet ladies who came to me later and spoke very kind words.
What a delight to share what I know about decorating with glaze.

(Thanks Karen & Mike for that opportunity!)

 After the first full day of presentations....a bunch of us went to one of the "real"
Red Iguana restaurants for a wonderful meal together.
Another evening of lots and lots of fun.
Cookie people are the most kind, sweet, and fun people ever. :)

Saturday morning was the "open decorating" session.
There were several stations where everyone could try out things like:
  • Fondant
  • Ribbon Roses & Brush Embroidery
  • KopyKake
  • Painting
  • Airbrush
  • Glaze
There was also a station to make up your own colors of icing....
and another with lots of embellishments (sprinkles, dusts, sugars, etc).

At the Glaze station, ladies had the opportunity to try glaze icing (some for the very first time).
It was so fun to have it available to many who had never worked with it before.
And decorating with other decorators is DELIGHTFUL.
This was one of the highlights of CookieCon. :)


We interrupt this blog post to share some food photos. haha
I love to take pics of beautiful food. Trust me.....we ate LOTS of it. lol
Back to our regularly scheduled program......

The Sugar Show was another highlight of the event.
Everyone was encouraged to bring some spectacular cookies they created at home.
And they certainly did.
If you'd like to see all the sugar show winners, go to the CookieCon FB page.

Here's some of my personal favorites that were entered in the show.....

Top left: "SNOW" & "NOEL" by Michelle Jones
Top right: "Snowman Family & Christmas Tree" by Robin Wegener
Bottom left: "Autumn Collection" by Gloria Mercer
Bottom right: "Christmas Charm Bracelet" by Nancy Paine

It was also very very fun to connect with golden friends from the past.......

And make lots of new friends as well....

Anita Cadonau-Huseby (Sweet Hope Cookies)
was one of those new friends that I was delighted to get to meet face to face and enjoy.
 She started out CookieCon with a "give-away" apron and
later came down in her jammies to decorate cookies like she always does. :)

And then I had the privilege to room with a long time friend,
Ali of Ali Bee's Bake Shop.

She's expecting her second child (first son) and we helped her celebrate the upcoming joy. :)
She was obsessed with arugula salad the entire weekend.....
so I had to get a photo of her feeding the baby a very healthy snack. :)
And finally.....she and Michele Jones were probably the two shortest ladies in the crowd.....
but Ali won first place in that arena. ;)
Love that girl! ♥

BRP Box Shop was a big part of CookieCon too.
I love these folks. They are friends to cookie decorators.....FOR SURE!
It was wonderful to have them there.....showing off their products....
and debuting their new ornament box that became available on their website
DURING my Packaging and Box presentation.
I had the privilege of working with them these last few months to develop 
the seasonal box to debut at CookieCon.

And they gave away some FABULOUS prizes....a bicycle and a unicycle!!!

Yes, you saw it here first.....Kip of BRP Box Shop decorating with royal icing. haha

CookieCon closed with an awards banquet on Saturday evening.....
complete with a blinged-out apron contest. 

Lots of prizes and awards were given.
No one went home empty-handed.

A big thank you to all the CookieCon Sponsors.
They helped make this event incredibly successful.

And finally......I'll leave you with pics of lots of pics of cookie friends.

If you've read this far.....you are a dedicated follower of this blog.
Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings about something I'm
extremely excited and proud about. :)

For lots more photos, go to the CookieCon FB page.

To see other's posts on CookieCon, check out the link-up party at The Bake Equation.

A special thank you to friends that shared photos:
Lauri Anglen, Anita Cadonau-Huseby, Nancy Paine, & the "official" Cookie Con photographer.

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