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Zoo Animals Cookie Collection

A very precious friend asked me to make some zoo animal cookies for her daughter's 2nd birthday. 
She wanted them to be grain-free, so that added a twist to the challenge. 
My Simple Grain-Free Cut Out Cookie recipe worked perfectly for this occasion.

I did a Jungle Buddies cookie series about three years ago. 
It included a hippo, giraffe, lion, elephant, zebra, and monkey with cookie tutorials for each. 
Since that time, Cheap Cookie Cutters has created some of those shapes into cutters.

Here's the brown bear cookie tutorial I put together for this series.

And since the monkey shape was not included with Cheap Cookie Cutters designs, here's how I simplified that shape. Using a snowman head cutter and the curved edge cutter in SugarBelle's Shape Shifters set, cut out the monkey head as shown below.

Outline the monkey head filling in a thicker outline of the ears and the entire upper head with dark brown glaze.

After the glaze has dried for about 30 minutes, fill in the ears and "snout" portion of the monkey with light tan glaze as shown below.

After some dry time, add the eyes, nose, and mouth with white and black glaze. 

Langley loved her animal cookies. Her favorite was the lion........ Rrrrrrr!

Jungle Buddies Cookie Collection

When I started making this set of jungle animals......

I never dreamed it would turn out the way it did.

One thing led to another.......(story of my cookie life!) and suddenly I had

a collection of six different animals with all kinds of plaque and accent cookies.

I've always wanted to do jungle animals......and I finally got my chance.

Faces are NOT my forte.

I tend to minimize the details because as soon as I start adding stuff......

the appearance goes downhill quickly.

So this is why you only see very simple eyes, nose, and mouth.

Simple is good, right?

Now that I own some very cool

Helvetica letter cutters.


I use them every chance I get.

How fun to make animal prints on all the letters! :)

Zebras packed up in a

14 x 10 BRP box.....

A smaller elephant set for my daughter's a

brown 10 x 7 BRP box


And of course......the whole gang packaged in a

14 x 10 BRP box


My favorite......

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, February 21, 2014

Cookie Con 2014 is happening soon.
I'd LOVE to see you there!


CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

Today it is 70 degrees. Haha
Spring is trying to blossom......but winter is just playing a game of hide 'n seek.
In fact, the wind is howling (eerily) and we will have colder temps tomorrow.
Oh the joys of winter. : /
I did lots of birthday cookies this week.
I tried a few new things.......nothing spectacular.
I've got big plans for next week.
This time I bought the photo props FIRST.....and will build the cookie theme around it. haha
My heart has been very sad this week......with all the turmoil in Ukraine.
It breaks my heart to see precious lives lost and the injury inflicted on people that just want freedom.
If you're's some things you can read/view about the Ukraine conflict.

The coming days will tell whether things will remain open and free in Ukraine. 
Please pray for the people that so desire what we as Americans experience on a day-to-day basis.
Thank you.

Instagram photos for this week:

These little cuties are wishing you a happy happy Valentines Day!

My way of not writing on mini cookies. Tags!

I've decided that using only three colors is awesome! :)
Happy Monday!
(We have freezing rain here this morning....ugh.)

 This week I'm expanding the color # to 5.....electric orange, green, and purple with black and white.
I knew I couldn't stay with just 3 colors long. Heehee


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Lion Cookies (Tutorial)

Here's a second Jungle Buddy.......Mr Lion. :)

I used a huge sunflower cookie cutter......but even a flower cutter will work well.

Once the cookies are baked,
draw around a circle cutter with a food color marker for a nice circle face. (see photo below)

Outline and flood the outer "mane" part of the lion with a tan/brown 10-second glaze.

After it has dried for about 1 hour, outline and flood the face with a beige/tan glaze.
Be sure to include ears.....and maybe a pointy chin, if desired.

While the glaze is wet, drop two black pearls onto the face for eyes.

After it has dried for at least 15 min, you can add lines on the mane with tan,
and outline the ears in the beige glaze.

Allow the cookies to dry overnight.

Add cheek color with a cotton tipped swab and pink pearl dust.

Add the nose and mouth with black glaze.

Finally, draw on eyebrows and whiskers with a black food color marker.

Jungle Buddies Cookie Collection
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