cupcakes — Blog — CookieCrazie


Sweet Freedom Patriotic Decorated Cookie Collection

As I looked through my patriotic cookie cutters, I couldn't help but keep seeing all the sweet treat cutters that would be so fun to decorate in red, white and blue patterns. Thus, the Sweet Freedom collection was created.

Many of these cutters are some of my favorites, so I thought I share where I got them in case you'd love to acquire them too.

Disco Lowercase Alphabet XL by CakesbyXimena
Ice Cream Cone by That'sANiceCookieCutter
Ice Cream Stack #01 by That'sANiceCookieCutter
Ice Cream Cone by Ann Clark Cookie Cutters
Mini Cupcake 02 by TrulyMadPlastics
Heart Topped Cupcake by SinfulCutters

I hope your Independence Day celebration is as sweet as can be. :)

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 20, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review



Personal Side

I did a set of cookies last weekend that was way more challenging than I thought it would be.
Thankfully, I didn't know that ahead of time. ;)
I spent FAR TOO many hours on those cookies, but in the end, I'm so glad I did.
The recipient was OVER-THE-TOP excited about them.....
and it made the hard work worth it.

This week I'm making bridal shower cookies for my daughter's best friend.
Meagan has always been a HUGE fan of my cookies,
and it seemed appropriate to make her special cookies to celebrate her upcoming wedding.
Plus, my daughter is the matron of honor and is a little stressed about being in charge of the shower.
My goal is to make it a more pleasant experience for her,
and spend some good quality time with my baby girl. :)

Next week is another break from cookies so I can get all the Ukraine mission trip prep completed.
We leave in just THREE months, and I've done very little to prepare, so far.
The amount of prep is usually daunting, but once I get into it,
it is not so bad......and I get so excited about going to Ukraine once again!

Can you believe we are looking into summer in just a few short weeks?
Oh how the time goes by faster and faster......


Instagram photos for this week:


Oh happy Saturday....

The little blue carton brings back lots of wonderful memories.....


Last year's simple cookies for our Ukraine trip.
I took at least 140 of these little squares and handed them out everywhere we went. :)
(Now I'm trying to decide what to take for this year's trip.....)

I don't know if you remember the new door wreath photo that I posted a couple of months ago,
but here it is in the top left corner of this collage.
I had the privilege of making cookies for Chatsworth Ranch Company party.
Little did I know that making loops of "burlap" on a cookie could be so challenging. ;)
But I forged through and completed the challenge.
Thank you Maytte for the opportunity!
I LOVE your work and look forward to purchasing more decorations for my home.


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 13, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review



Personal Side

It has been an incredibly busy, but GOOD week.
No cookies yet.....but I'm getting ready to decorate some this weekend.

We had a wonderful Mothers Day weekend together as a family.
My husband celebrated his 60 birthday, my son celebrated his 26th birthday and new job,
my other son and DIL celebrated putting a contract on a house,
and there was other exciting things too. :)
We had such a good time was hard to say good-bye to all of them.

But, we are back into the routine and life is good.


Instagram photos for this week:

I hope your Friday is TEA-rific!

My attempt at Lisa's fun scrappy paper style (@solovetheday)
Adding my "vellum" technique gives it that layered look.
Fun times.....

Tea time for Mom...... Custom cutters here.

Happy Mothers Day!

Going places....

Happy Tuesday!


Away we go.....

Last year's graduation cookies for my son, Keith.

My favorites from the road trip cookie set.....


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Cupcake Pedestal Decorated Cookies

Cupcakes need their own pedestal to reign upon, don't ya think?

It's fairly easy to whip up one via cookies.....that even has a 3-D effect.

Start with a cake pedestal cookie and some thin mini cupcake cookies.
(I apologize for not finding a link to the mini cupcake cutter used here.
I searched high and low and could not find this set anywhere.)

Outline, flood and decorate the pedestal as desired.

Outline, flood and decorate the mini cupcakes as desired.

After all the cookies have dried overnight, stage the cupcakes on the platter.
I arranged the smaller mini cupcakes behind the larger mini cupcakes.

There you have it.
Cupcakes lifted high on their own pedestal. :)

2016 Mothers Day Decorated Cookie Collection

Tea Time for Mom Decorated Cookie Collection

It's Tea Time for Mom.
What better way to celebrate her day than to gift her with beautiful cookies for tea.

Check out this cute set of tea cutters that That's A Nice Cookie made for this collection.

To all the Moms out there.....
remember that even though it seems the energy you expend for your children goes unnoticed,
it really will reap benefits that you never thought possible.
And eventually your children will rise up and realize how awesome you really are!

Her children arise and call her blessed.
Proverbs 31:28





2016 Mothers Day Decorated Cookie Collection
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