ice cream — Blog — CookieCrazie

ice cream

Scream for Ice Cream Decorated Cookie Collection

With the anticipation of summer, it is time to make some fun ICE CREAM cookies. Oh yes, everyone loves ice cream.....especially in cookie form. :)

Here's to all the ice cold treats coming our way very soon....


We all scream for ICE CREAM! 📣


Sweet Freedom Patriotic Decorated Cookie Collection

As I looked through my patriotic cookie cutters, I couldn't help but keep seeing all the sweet treat cutters that would be so fun to decorate in red, white and blue patterns. Thus, the Sweet Freedom collection was created.

Many of these cutters are some of my favorites, so I thought I share where I got them in case you'd love to acquire them too.

Disco Lowercase Alphabet XL by CakesbyXimena
Ice Cream Cone by That'sANiceCookieCutter
Ice Cream Stack #01 by That'sANiceCookieCutter
Ice Cream Cone by Ann Clark Cookie Cutters
Mini Cupcake 02 by TrulyMadPlastics
Heart Topped Cupcake by SinfulCutters

I hope your Independence Day celebration is as sweet as can be. :)

Strawberry Decorated Sugar Cookie Collection 2016

Strawberries....... YUM!
What a fun set of cookies to make, representing one of the yummiest fruits around.
And strawberries scream it seemed fitting for this time of year.

Happy Summer to you. :)


Strawberry Decorated Cookie Collection

Lemonade and More Cookie Collection

I receive tons of joy when I decorate doesn't really matter what kind.

But occasionally a cookie theme gives me extra pleasure.

This Lemonade and More Cookie Collection definitely fits into that special category.
The theme itself, along with the color scheme was extra fun!!
Every time I look at these cookies, I smile. :)

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, July 19, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

Another fun week of cookies......
I'm so blessed to do something I LOVE doing!

This week I did camping cookies.
The funny thing is that I hate to camp!
But I've always wanted to do all the fun shapes associated with the pastime.

I'm moving on from summer-related cookies next week.
Since I do cookies in's time to move to the next season.
I's CRAZIE to think about autumn right now!

But I also want to do some baby and wedding shower-related cookies
because I feel like that is something so many cookiers do on a regular basis.
So now you know my general plans for the next few weeks. haha

My life is pretty calm right now.....but next weekend
my son comes home for the first time since Christmas break.
And since it is rare for him to be here.....everyone else will be coming to visit him.
So my big family life will least for a few weeks.
I can hardly wait!
(And I'm sure after the craziness......I'll be ready for my calm life to return. ;))

Instagram photos for this week:

Finished Lemonade-themed extras.....

Mmmmm.....Perfect on this hot summer day. :)

Everyone needs ice cream on Monday mornings.....right?

Anyone have a guess on my cookie theme for the week?

And we're off..... Trees are coming together. :)

Now to the details.....the best part. :)

All finished up......happy camper. :)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

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