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CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 26, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

This was another week where I took a break from cookies.
Even though I'm always itching to decorate.....
I find it refreshing to focus on other things.
It prevents burn out.....and I always look forward to returning back to it. :)

This week I got LOTS done on my Bible study for the Ukraine mission trip.
In fact, I can say it is done.....except for final tweaking.
Hip Hip Hooray! This is good news, folks!!!
It is extremely overwhelming to start with a blank page when you need to pull together
three one-hour-sessions of Bible study.
But God is faithful.....and it all came together beautifully.

The theme of the women's retreat is "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes".
The Bible study emphasizes compassion and being a good friend.
It has been very convicting for me.
I realized how isolated I've become.....and how I've not been a very good friend. :(

So there's been a lot of changes in my heart this week.
It's never easy to admit when you're wrong......
but I knew that if I was going to teach a Bible study on friendship.....
I better be speaking from experience. :)

So my heart is lighter.....and filled with joy.
And I'm so thankful that I have this privilege to learn and then to teach.

Thanks for sticking with me.
I receive so many sweet notes from all of you.
Thank you! ♥♥

Instagram photos for this week:

More MOM cookie love.....

Flower Cookies for Mom :)

Cookie Flower Bouquets

Spring Nest Cookies from last year.....

My try at summer porridge.
Thanks @hillaryramos!!
I used the recipe for refrigerator no-cook oatmeal on
Since I don't eat oats, I substituted buckwheat cereal (usually for making hot cereal)
and was pleasantly surprised at how delicious it was. :)
I made strawberry. Yum!!!

I can't wait to show all my Mothers Day cookies starting next week on the blog.
Oh....and I had no trouble giving all of them away last night at church. ;)


Last CookieCrazie chatter....

Realtor Thank You Cookie Collection

The rest of the Realtor Thank You Cookie Collection.....

The cookie request was to make cookies
to thank my friend's realtor who
worked hard and went to bat for them 
like a "bull dog" to make the 
purchase of the new home happen.

My favorite.......used clipart when I Googled the subject
 that showed something similar. :)

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