CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 26, 2013 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 26, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

This was another week where I took a break from cookies.
Even though I'm always itching to decorate.....
I find it refreshing to focus on other things.
It prevents burn out.....and I always look forward to returning back to it. :)

This week I got LOTS done on my Bible study for the Ukraine mission trip.
In fact, I can say it is done.....except for final tweaking.
Hip Hip Hooray! This is good news, folks!!!
It is extremely overwhelming to start with a blank page when you need to pull together
three one-hour-sessions of Bible study.
But God is faithful.....and it all came together beautifully.

The theme of the women's retreat is "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes".
The Bible study emphasizes compassion and being a good friend.
It has been very convicting for me.
I realized how isolated I've become.....and how I've not been a very good friend. :(

So there's been a lot of changes in my heart this week.
It's never easy to admit when you're wrong......
but I knew that if I was going to teach a Bible study on friendship.....
I better be speaking from experience. :)

So my heart is lighter.....and filled with joy.
And I'm so thankful that I have this privilege to learn and then to teach.

Thanks for sticking with me.
I receive so many sweet notes from all of you.
Thank you! ♥♥

Instagram photos for this week:

More MOM cookie love.....

Flower Cookies for Mom :)

Cookie Flower Bouquets

Spring Nest Cookies from last year.....

My try at summer porridge.
Thanks @hillaryramos!!
I used the recipe for refrigerator no-cook oatmeal on
Since I don't eat oats, I substituted buckwheat cereal (usually for making hot cereal)
and was pleasantly surprised at how delicious it was. :)
I made strawberry. Yum!!!

I can't wait to show all my Mothers Day cookies starting next week on the blog.
Oh....and I had no trouble giving all of them away last night at church. ;)


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