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Realtor Thank You Cookie Collection

The rest of the Realtor Thank You Cookie Collection.....

The cookie request was to make cookies
to thank my friend's realtor who
worked hard and went to bat for them 
like a "bull dog" to make the 
purchase of the new home happen.

My favorite.......used clipart when I Googled the subject
 that showed something similar. :)

House For Sale/ Realtor Thank You Cookies


But I've got this collection of cookies from the last few months that I've not posted &
I'm hoping you want to see matter how random. :)

A friend's family sold their house (after it being on the market a LONG time)
and were so happy with their realtor's service that they wanted to thank them. 

Fun cookies to make.
And these ideas can be use for a New Neighbor theme too. 

I did a "Welcome to the Neighborhood" theme back in August found HERE and HERE.

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