CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 19, 2013 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 19, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side
It's been a challenging week.
I'm trying to get ahead on cookies with all the events coming up in the next couple of months....
I have work I need to complete for the Ukraine mission trip....
Life continues to be interesting in the "real world"...

But I'm so grateful to be alive and to have what I have.
I think I reflect on life so much more than I did in the past.
Perhaps it is my age.....but even more so, I think it is the signs of the times.
When I allow myself to listen to all that is going on around me here in my state, country and world...
I get overwhelmed.

But then I remember whose I am and why I'm here.
I remember that God is in control and He is the victor in the end.
And I remember that this is not my home...... what a relief that is!

Cookie decorating was really fun this week. 
(ha.....I think I say that every week. :))
I made some cookies for Mothers Day.
It had me reflecting on being a mom and all that is involved....and what a blessing it is!
It's pouring raining right now. 
April showers!
I love rainy days. :)

Instagram photos for this week:

Just a little birthday snack.... :)

Birthday gift cookies....

 Birthday Cake Cookies....

Trying out what looks to be one of my new BFF. :)

A flower it too simple?
I was trying for the effect of Icings by Ang gorgeous flowers from a week or two ago....
but I can't produce the same height with glaze.
I'll try something different tomorrow.

 Aprons and Hearts for Mom....

Much happier with these "simple" flowers. :)

MOM on the frilly girly side....


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