to go cup — Blog — CookieCrazie

to go cup

Rustic Americana Decorated Cookie Collection

Today is Memorial Day….so this is my way of honoring those who have given so much for Americans to remain free.

Hurray for the red white and blue.
I’m a proud American and happy to create this rustic Americana set of cookies.

There’s something about patriotic designs that always make me want to “antique” them and make them more vintage. It’s pretty easy to add age to a decorated cookie. Just allow it to dry overnight and then make a thin mixture of brown dust and alcohol….dab it all over the cookie and then blot it with a clean cloth.

May God bless America.



Neon Sign Styled Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

Have you ever found a graphic or photo that emulate a style that you became giddy about?
In the last year, I found a graphic showing this neon sign style (I think they called it "colored chalk style") that I instantly knew I had to cookie-fy. 

This method is super easy and fast since you don't have to actually outline and flood the entire cookie and then add additional layers of icing.

Start with chocolate cut-out dough, and cut and bake any shape that will be recognizable by just adding a few outlines/silhouette. 
In the set shown, the theme was coffee related, so I picked the shapes accordingly.

Once the cookies are baked and cooled, combine vodka (or a clear extract, ex. almond) and Americolor Super Black gel to make a "paint" to cover the tops of each cookie. Brush the opaque mixture over each cookie and allow it to dry for a few hours before adding the glaze.

Use bright "electric" colors of glaze to add the outlines and single detail lines to each cookie.

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