jelly jar — Blog — CookieCrazie

jelly jar

Honey Jar Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

Harvest time brings the opportunity for jars of yummy-ness......honey, jelly, jam, and more!
And the cute containers make the delicious treat even more special.

Start with a container or jar-shaped cookie. There's tons of choices of mason jar cutters and the like out there. The site where I purchased the honey jar is not available right now to share a link. :(

You'll also need a mini plaque cutter to create a cute tag cookie that you can tie onto your jar.  Be sure to cut out a hole in the top using a straw.
(see photos and video below)

Harvest time cuteness....coming right up! 


CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, October 9, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

I'm home again.
It was almost two weeks being away......and I was SO READY for my comfy bed and pillow.
I am still digging out of the "so-far-behind" hole created from my time away.......
but hopefully I can get back to decorating cookies SOON!

CookieCon 2015 was fabulous!
And my vacation following working so hard for my pre-CookieCon classes was
much needed and much enjoyed. :)

Now it's time to slide back into routine and enjoy each day to it's fullest.
Thanks for hangin' with me.


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

So grateful and thankful to God for how He has and is using cookie decorating in my life.
#grateful #thankful #masonjar

Having a fabulous vacation in Park City and Salt Lake City......
I'm so thankful for the rest, relaxation, and even cookie decorating with friends one day!

Here's a colorful mosaic-look for this lovely Sunday.
#mosaic #colorful #cookies

With a grateful heart on this fine's what has me thankful at the moment:
1) safe trip home last night from Salt Lake City
2) wonderful, refreshing vacation this last week with a friend
3) fabulous time at #cookiecon2015 the week prior.
What about you?

Oh......I loved creating these pear cookies last fall. :)
#throwback #tbt



Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Autumn Shabby Chic Cookie Collection

This set of autumn cookies is certainly not traditional but definitely unique and photogenic.

Since Shabby Chic is so "in" right now..... it seemed appropriate to try to add
lots of lace, burlap, elegant texture, and muted colors to all the fun seasonal shapes.

Make some memories enjoying the brisk chilly weather, watching the leaves change to their vibrant gorgeous colors and sipping on some spicy apple cider to welcome the fall season. :)



Autumn 2015 Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, October 2, 2015


CookieCrazie's (Two) Weeks in Review






Personal Side

What a few weeks it has been. 
I missed last week's Chatter when I was in Salt Lake City for CookieCon2015.
I was busy with so many activities, I decided to hold off on posting a Chatter until this week.
Going through all the photos from the event brings back such awesome memories.
It was a stellar event!

I'm still on vacation in Park City, Utah. 
It is beautiful here.....and a perfect place to rest, relax and regain energy.
I look forward to going home on Monday and getting back to real life.
But for now, I will soak up a few more days of wonderful-ness. :)


Instagram photos for the last two weeks:

Adding some "shabby" to the season......
#autumn #autumncookies #leaves #fall #shabbychic

Happy Saturday!
#autumn #autumnleaves #autumncookies #pumpkin #acorn

F.a.l.l. Celebrating the season!
#fall #autumn #pumpkin #apple #acorn #sunflower #squash

CookieCon2015 has arrived!
The time has flown and suddenly I'm leaving on a jet plane today....
With over 200 cookies packed up in my suitcase (yes, I know that's CRAZIE!)
and loads of excitement.......let's do this thing!

Reporting from sunny and beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah!
All of the cookies arrived in great condition.
The only casualties were a few molded edible clay flowers.
Tonight's going to be a long night preparing for tomorrow's classes......
But it's going to be a fun long night!

 Pre-CookieCon Classes are going very well.
What a joy to sit for four hours at a time to decorate and talk cookies!!
I have one more class this morning and then CookieCon officially begins this afternoon!!

Autumn Trees platter from last year......
#throwback #tbt #autumn #autumnleaves #fall

The final PreCookieCon class went very well this morning. :) #cookiecon2015

Last night's opening ceremony of #cookiecon2015!!!!     It was fabulous!
(I never imagined having a line of people wanting my autograph..... but with the
cookiecon book that we created, suddenly I have people handing me a book and a pen. haha)

Happy Friday!

This morning's #cookiecon2015 classes......
Susan Carberry, Monica and Nadia. Amazing!
@cookiecowgirl @my_little_bakery2015

CookieCon Sugar Show Cookies Part 1
NOT my cookies!
These cookies were entered in the CookieCon Sugar Show....

CookieCon Sugar Show Cookies Part 2
NOT my cookies!
These cookies were entered in the CookieCon Sugar Show.....

Oh the joy of color!
I hope you have a wonderful Saturday.
Today is the final day of #cookiecon2015, so be looking for lots more photos....

More class photos from yesterday.
Airbrushing with @Sugarblisscookies, Blogging with @bridget350, and design with Mallory @butterwinks!            #cookiecon2015
So much to learn.....

CookieCon 2015 Sugar Show Mystery Shapes #cookiecon2015
(NOT my work - the decorators got this surprise "mystery" shape this morning
and decorated and entered it in a few hours time!)

Final day of #cookiecon2015.
What a joy and delight it has been.
Awesome talent, great instruction, and tons of fabulous friendships!
Until next time.....

Happy Sunday!
#give thanks #autumn #fall

Sharon and I have started our vacation in Park City, Utah.
Look at that cute view from our condo window on Main Street!!

Thinking about showing some gratefulness with cookies......
#autumn #fall #thanksgiving #grateful #thankyou

The Pumpkin Crate Cookie from last year.....
#tbt #throwback #autumn #pumpkin #fall #crate



Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Autumn Jelly Jar Cookies (Tutorial)

When I first saw this cute jelly jar cookie cutter, I KNEW I had to make some fall jar cookies with it.

There are certainly tons of ways to decorate this shape.
I'm just showing two designs in this blog post.
Take them as inspiration and run wild to make these jar cookies your own.

For the burlap covered jar (left in photo)
 outline and flood the top portion of the cookie in white glaze.

For the fabric topped jam jar (right in photo), flood the bottom portion of the jar.

Once the glaze has dried for a while, add the corresponding top or bottom.
For the burlap topped jar (left), start adding burlap texture lines (either horizontal or vertical).

After 30 minutes, continue to add burlap texture lines in the opposite direction (left jar).
Also add an additional layer of glaze to the fabric topped jar on the right.
If desired, add a label to either jar at this point.

For the burlap covered jar (right in photo below), 
add some fringe burlap texture "spilling" over onto the jar.
Begin to add lines of "jute/string" around the crown of the jar covering.
Wait about 15 minutes between applying more piped "jute".
Once you get the string the way you want it, add a bow to the right side of the cookie.
Allow it to flow over onto the extensions on the side of the jar.

Dry overnight.

Brush the jars with caramel and light brown petal dusts to 
highlight the textures and give it an aged look.

Autumn 2015 Cookie Collection
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