Allison's wedding cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie

Allison's wedding cookies

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, August 15, 2014

Join CookieCrazie for......

Cookie'sCool November 14 - 16, 2014 in Genoa, Italy

CookieCruise 2015 on January 22-26, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

Well as I write this.....I'm surrounded by my packed luggage.
Tomorrow (Thursday) we'll be headed to Ukraine.
By the time you read this on Friday......I will already be there.
We should arrive about 4 AM CST on Friday.

It has been a busy busy week with lots of prep work.....
not only for the trip, but also for when I return.....
just 2 weeks before my oldest daughter's wedding!

I'll try my best to share photos from my trip on Facebook and Instagram,
but there is never guarantees of wifi while we are there.
I also have a Ukraine blog, but it often gets neglected until I return to the US,
since the wifi is so erratic.....but we can hope..... :)

Thanks so much for your support and love throughout the year.
This blog allows me the ability to go to Ukraine and minister to all the people.
It is a HUGE I thank you from the bottom of my heart. ♥


Instagram photos for this week:

Just pickin' a bucket full of apples..... 
Happy Friday!

Ahoy mates.....Happy Saturday!
(themed cookies from last year...)

Oh what a beautiful morning.....feeling very blessed today.
I pray the same for you.

Yellow Crookneck Squash cookies....
Another new CookieCrazie Custom Cutter found at creative

Allison & Jake's Wedding: Family Memories is on the blog today.
(My baby girl got married in May and I wanted to share the event with you
 And yes, it involves cookies.....of course. ;))

Here's a CookieCrazie let you know my bags are packed......
and I'm headed out today.
Stay tuned for updates and photos of this year's Ukraine Adventure. :)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Allison & Jake's Wedding: Family Memories

My baby girl, Allison, got married in May.
It was a wonderful celebration as she and Jake pledged their lives to one another.
As I ponder all the wonderful memories.....I share some photos of the day with all of you.
Since my blog "family" has become a part of my every day life, it seems only fitting
that I would share such an important day with you. :)

Oh those beautiful eyes.....

Jake's mom, Sonja, and I sharing a quick moment before all the festivities begin.

The gorgeous bridesmaids, Elise & Jill (my lovely oldest daughter), and MOH, Meagan....

Without seeing each other, Jake & Allison shared love notes with each other before the ceremony.

Teary-eyed Jake watches his bride come down the aisle.....

This is my favorite photo of the wedding........
the song playing is "On Top of the World" and their faces say it all, 
not to mention that everyone around them is so happy too. :)

A gorgeous (albeit very warm) day in a beautiful setting......

Here is my lovely family.....
Jill, Allan, me, Keith, Allison, Jake, Kyle, Becca, & Neil.

My sweetie-pie and I sharing a moment together.....

The wedding party.....

Silly girl wearing cowboy boots.....

Wedding cake......and wedding cake cookies. :)
Jake and Allison holding some of the wedding cookie favors.

The family together at the end of the day.....

And away they go......happily ever after.

Allison & Jake's Wedding Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, August 1, 2014

Join CookieCrazie for......

Cookie'sCool November 14 - 16, 2014 in Genoa, Italy

CookieCruise 2015 on January 22-26, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

Yeah for having good cookie weeks!
This certainly was one.
I got to do a shabby chic theme using some techniques I'd not used before.
Plus, I'd acquired lots of new silicone molds that I was anxious to use with edible clay.
Fun stuff!

Ukraine trip is coming quick.
We leave two weeks from yesterday.
We have good friends that just got back from their two week trip this week.
They had gone to the same place we will be going, and had no problems.
Since we are going to western Ukraine.....there's much less to be concerned about.
Who knows if this will be our last time.....LOTS can happen in one year's time.
So we're going to make the MOST of this trip.
Thanks for your kind words and your prayers.
I'm very excited about all that God has in store for us this year.

Next week it will be time to bake/decorate all the cookies for Ukraine.
They will be small cookies.....and simply decorated.
With as much as there is to do in the next two weeks.....I NEED small and simple. :)


Instagram photos for this week:

Apple Tree fun to brighten this lovely Friday.

Simple Balloon Cookies from last year.....
Happy Saturday!

Time to practice penmanship.....

Believe it or not.....there really is a goal/theme to this hodge-podge random set of cookies.....

My Back-To-School ABCs.....
I've already seen three different people use the design from seeing my "in process" photo.

I love Tammy Holmes' work so today I tried to add a little of her flair to this cookie set. 
Thanks for the inspiration, Tammy!

Back to School Cookies made a couple of years ago for my sister.....


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Airbrushed Lace Heart Cookies (Tutorial)

Heart cookies are a common wedding cookie......
so it made sense to plan on doing them for Allison's  wedding favor cookies.
But I wanted to make them a little unique and special.

I had noticed that Heather at SugarNosh Treats had been playing around with airbrushing using lace.
I asked her about it and she offered to send me a piece of her lace that she was using.
How awesome is that! :)
(Thanks Heather for being so kind and giving me the tool I needed to make special cookies.)

They ended up being one of the biggest hits at the wedding.
People were amazed at the beauty of the lace pattern on the heart cookies.

They're fairly simple to make......once you have a piece of appropriate lace and an airbrush.

Outline and flood the heart cookies in whatever color desired.
Allow them to dry overnight.

Stretch out your lace material across a needlework hoop and snap it in place.
(Both the lace material and the hoop can be found at Hobby Lobby or Joann Fabric.)

Lay the stretched lace over the heart cookies.
Spray pearl sheen airbrush color evenly over them.

Beautiful and simple.......a great combination.

Allison & Jake's Wedding Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, July 25, 2014

Join CookieCrazie for......

Cookie'sCool November 14 - 16, 2014 in Genoa, Italy

CookieCruise 2015 on January 22-26, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

It's been a very difficult week.
My Father-in-law passed away on Sunday.
It was he has been suffering from throat CA for months now.

The funeral was Wednesday.
Sadly, just hours before the funeral, Allan's niece-in-law died from medication complications.
(She & her husband & son had come for the funeral in Memphis.)
Nicole was only in her early 30s. 
Her son is 4 years old.

Needless to say, the funeral was doubly difficult with this tragic news on the entire family's mind.
But we celebrated Gerald Sneed's incredible life, and praised God for his legacy.
It was a beautiful service.

Thankfully we had the rest of the day to spend together and process the events as a family.
It is still too fresh and painful to think about for too long.......
but I'm sure with time things will slowly heal.

Please keep Joseph (Nicole's husband) and Nathan (her son) in your prayers.

The Ukraine trip is only three weeks away.
I am trying to regroup after this week's events and figure out all I need to do to prepare.
I'm thankful for a busy schedule.
It helps to stay active and work hard to make a difference.

Life is but a vapor.
Make every moment count!


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

Greyscale Cookies from last year.....
Happy Saturday!!

Schoolhouse Cookies using new CC custom cutters made by creativecookier.

Having some Autumn fun this week.
(And yes, I'm very early. I'm busy with a mission trip and
my daughter's wedding in the next two months, so I'm trying to get ahead. ;))
Pumpkin cutter & Acorn cutter

More fall fun...... from @creativecookier
Tall Pumpkin Cutter
Crookneck Squash Cutter
Truck Cutter
Gooseneck Gourd Cutter

Back To School Word Fun.
Happy Thursday!


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

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