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message cookies

Valentines Chalkboard Art Cookies

I've admired the chalkboard art of several cookiers.....
and have been itching to try it myself.

The great thing about chalkboard art......sloppy work is acceptable.
Since painting is not one of my fortes......this is a very good thing. :)

It was fun to add all kinds of cute messages to Valentine-themed cookies.

(The drawback of these cookies is lots of black glaze for the one who eats them.
I've heard it might tinge the teeth a bit dark for a while after consumption. ;))

I put a few on sticks and used the cool BRP cake pop box. :)

Valentines 2014 Cookie Collection

Cookies.....Made With Love....

"These cookies were made with love."
That is a phrase I often use when sharing my cookies with others.

In this day and age, you can find cookies anywhere.....anytime.
And they can even be a super delicious treat.

But there is something very very special about a cookie made with love.

It is made with the recipient in mind........with the desire to bring delight and joy.

Much care is taken to use excellent fresh ingredients with a super delicious outcome.

And the decorating is painstakingly executed to give the greatest eye appeal.

Did it take a lot of effort? You bet!

Is the cookie ridiculously detailed? Many times.....yes.

Was it wasted time? Absolutely not!
It was time well spent to give the biggest WOW response.

And why?
Because there's love involved.

Our creations are made to not only provide a sweet treat.......
but give others the special gift of saying "You are loved".

I think that is why baked goods are so popular and why so many love to create treats for others.
It's a gift that goes beyond a gorgeous sight and a yummy taste.
It reaches all the way to the heart.

Thus......Valentines Day is such a huge holiday for cookie decorators.

Spreading lots and lots of love around with beautifully decorated cookies. :)

These Helvetica alphabet cutters are found here.

Valentines 2014 Cookie Collection

Love Message Cookies (Tutorial)

Putting messages on heart cookies is perfect for Valentines Day.
And I received the BEST birthday present for doing just that!

This little set of impression letters is just the right size for putting little messages on hearts.
My dear sweet daughter-in-law saw this online and decided it would be something I might like.
She's so smart!

It's pretty inexpensive.....and comes directly from China.
Warning: These little letters have to be carefully snipped of their plastic sides 
to fit into the slider just right.
It's a bit tedious.....but worth it in the long wrong.

Here's the best part......
Decorating these cookies are a snap!
Outline and flood the heart cookies in your choice of glaze colors.

Allow them to dry for about 2-3 hours.
(The timing will be something you have to work out for your particular environment)
Then align the words you want to impress into the glaze on the slider.....
gently press them into the crusted glaze......
and you have a cute simple message cookie. :)

Valentines 2014 Cookie Collection

Airbrushed Valentines Day Cookies

I don't really want to post these cookies......but it seems only fair to share the ones I love.....and ummm.....the ones I don't love. ;)

I bought an airbrush in the fall......but so far, I'm not super happy with it.
First of all, I don't really know what I'm doing......but also, I don't think mine works right.
I saw a demo in September.....and mine doesn't do what I saw demonstrated........

Oh well......I outlined and flooded a bunch more red, pink, and white hearts for my airbrush episode.

And here's the results.

Nothing amazing about these.....but a nice change from the same 'ole, same 'ole.

I decided I'd add some text to a few of I added my favorite Bible verses about God's love.

More Valentines cookies coming your way......

Let the Snowman Cookie Parade Begin.....

Here come my latest snowman cookies. Made with lots of for snow! love for snowmen! love for decorating cookies and coming up with new designs!.......and a love for all my blog readers!

Here's wishing your 2012 is filled with lots of things you love. :)

And now the parade will begin........

I envisioned these two coming out much grander than they did. And it was hard to photograph the disco dust and pizazz...... sigh......

My new love.....word art cookies.....

Stay put in your parade route seats (hopefully in a WARM place, ha ha) because there is much more from our snowman participants.

I know.....I'm corny. ;)

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