2010 in Review (Part 1) — CookieCrazie

2010 in Review (Part 1)

Someone just gave me the idea to review my favorite cookies from this past year. How fun to go back over all the cookies I've done in 2010 and find my favorites. :)

I couldn't narrow it down to just a few photos (imagine that?)......so I'm going to review 2010 in three separate posts.

This has been the year for really finding my niche in cookie decorating. I remember finding some fun, unique things to add to my cookies in 2009........but I believe I really carved out the "CookieCrazie look" in 2010. Right from the beginning of the year, I started making unique shapes beyond just the cutters that all of us have. And I found a way to put plaid, patchwork, quilting, and stitches on just about every theme of cookies. lol

Here's my first installment of favorites.

Birthday cookies for my dear, dear friend back in January 2010.....

I remember I went cookie CRAZIE for Valentines Day. This is just one of MANY sets I did for that holiday. lol (That's become a trend for me this year.....)

Next was all my spring & Easter cookies......

I really branched out at Mother's and Father's Day this year too.

Summer was filled up with several different themes. I love how these nautical ones turned out.....

I did lots and lots of baby cookies this year too. This fall I FINALLY got a baby GIRL order. lol

Remember my turkey explosion this fall?!

OK.....that's it for memory lane today. Stayed tune for my next installment tomorrow. :)
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