2010 in Review (Part 2) — CookieCrazie

2010 in Review (Part 2)

Today I'm going to start taking down the Christmas decorations in my house. Let me just say that it is a lot more fun to put them up than to take them down. I dread it.....but at the same time, I'm ready for my house to get back to normal.....and to get a thorough cleaning. Boy, I had forgotten how messy things get when all seven of us are here! :o)

To continue on with my cookie year in review.......

I tried a lot a of new ways to package cookies this year. First there was the white stationary boxes with the clear lids. These make such a nice presentation. However, I had a few problems. I bought 10" x 7" x 2" boxes....and it is hard to fill a 2" box underneath the cookie. I didn't want to waste the expensive shred......so I started putting tissue paper in the bottom half. My other issue was that I ordered from US Box and they charged me $35 for shipping (that was 1/3 of my order!). Needless to say, I'll never order from them again. : /

But the boxes work so well for special gifts like Mothers Day & Fathers Day.......

After the stationary boxes, I tried some all clear thinner boxes from ClearBags.com and I liked them very much. If your interested, here's a link to the larger size boxes I ordered The only drawback to these boxes are that you have to load the cookies and shred through the side of the box instead of on top. It's a little tricky.....but doable.

These flower boxes were gifts I gave to some of the ladies in Ukraine. :)

Platters are not a new presentation for most cookiers.....but for me, I'd never done them until this year.

And finally, my favorite of all ways to package......presenting mini cookies in a jar. Sadly, I've never gotten an order for these.....but then, I've have to charge a bunch since some jars hold a LOT of cookies....and there are some special challenges and expenses to putting them together.

I couldn't pick favorites.....so I'm showing you all the jars I've done. ;o)

And here's some more favorite cookies from 2010.

Lots of BOY baby cookies, lol.....

For my beloved Army boy......

And my biggest collection of "quilt cookies" yet.....
Stay tuned for one last installment of 2010 cookies in review tomorrow. :)
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