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soda bottle

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, June 12, 2015

CookieCrazie is teaching hands-on classes in the coming days!

CookieCrazie will be teaching Pre-CookieCon classes!
Click here for more details.


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

First full week of June.....and crazy hot already.
This is not my favorite season.....but I know that's not the opinion of most people.
I WILL say.....I love sunny days. :)
It's just the heat that I'm not fond of...

It's been a successful week of cookies.
I made red velvet cookies with cream cheese-flavored glaze.
My son-in-law loves that hopefully he will love the cookies I've created for him.
My other son-in-law also has a birthday right now, so I made him some baseball cookies.
My immediate family gets together this weekend....hurray!
I've been looking forward to this for weeks.
Let the celebrating begin...

This week's decorating was challenging on several fronts.
I attempted some difficult designs....and a few of them I had to lay aside.
My son saw my half attempts and wondered why I didn't complete them.
He told me I could have totally done it....and done it well (in his opinion).
But have you started a big project, bitten off more than you could chew (haha....EVERY time!),
and found that to relieve stress it was best to just get rid of the biggest stress-ers?
That's what I do. 
Since every cookie for me is a fun adventure, why would I stress myself out over a design or two? keep my sanity, I just chunk the ones that are making me even more CRAZIE. haha
I can always try them some other time, right?

I also worked with my airbrush this week.
I planned on decorating a bunch of extra birthday cookies in white glaze
(for sharing with the entire family)
and then airbrushing them with color.
I had some issues.....but Ginny of Creative Cookier came to my rescue.
I got my airbrush working.....and found out that you're not supposed 
to clean the airbrush between each color.....especially not with alcohol! haha
So I'm learning...

I haven't picked out the cookie designs for next week,
but I'm leaning toward something with mixed-media.
I love Sugar Pearls Cakes and Bakes work and am anxious to continue to experiment. :)

No hospital work this weekend.....just time with family.
Awwww.......... :)


Instagram photos for this week:


Come join me on Periscope in a minute
as I tell you about how I'm seeing red velvet, that is. :)
Periscope: cookiecrazie effect I'm continually trying to improve.

Happy Sunday!

Red Velvet Cookies with Cream Cheese Glaze going strong.....
I hope my SIL loves them.
Today is his birthday. :)

Last year's tool cookie for Fathers Day. :)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Soda POP Cookie Collection

This was one of those cookie sets that brought me joy from beginning to end.
The designs.....the colors.....and the sentiment.....all are delightful!

Hopefully this will a collection that will bring a smile to POP's face. :)

Here's to you, Dad...


Fathers Day 2015 Cookie Collection

Random Cookie Shapes....Coffee Cup, T-Shirt, ILoveYou SL, & Soda Bottle

Sometimes the grouping of cookies I do holds no theme.
This post is just such a time.

Random.... :)

Here we go.

(Click on the photo to find the cookie cutter source.)

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