picnic — Blog — CookieCrazie


Picnic Basket Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

Summer time and picnics......they just go together.
Nostalgia brings back the memory of picnic baskets filled with yummy foods.
 How about a cookie to represent all those memories?

You'll need a hexagon shaped cutter to make these picnic basket cookies.

Outline and flood the hexagon cookie with tan glaze as shown below.

Allow the icing to dry for about 4 hours.
Press this basket weave embosser into the main bottom half of partially dried glaze
(not the handle or lid on the top portion of the cookie).
see photo below

Add some horizontal lines to the handle of the basket as shown below.
(Be careful to not pipe them too close or they will run together into a big blob.)

Also, add a white triangular shape over the top of the basket as shown below.

Allow the cookie to dry overnight.

Brush dry caramel luster dust over the basket portion of the cookie.

Use a red food color marker to add some red checks to the cloth draping over the basket.

2016 Fathers Day Decorated Cookie Collection
BBQ Kabob Decorated Cookie (Tutorial) 

2016 Summer Decorated Cookie Collection

Summer Fun Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, July 5, 2013


CookieCrazie's {Last Three} Week[s] in Review


Personal Side

Well......it's been three weeks since I've posted a CookieCrazie Chatter.
The two weeks of our Borislav mission trip were nearly wifi-less.
What little internet we had did not afford photos or things like blog posts.
So I couldn't post updated news during that time.

I'm home now from my 26 day long trip.
I must say....."There is NO place like HOME!"

My trip was fabulous. 
So much occurred in the month of June.
In some ways, it feels like a dream.
And my time in England seems like months ago!

I wrote a few blog posts to try to recap the trip.......but it's not super comprehensive.
I just didn't have the energy once I got home to pour a ton into recounting all the events.
But if you are interested, check out my Ukraine blog for more details on my trip.

This week I've been recovering.
Jet lag wasn't too bad.....and I already feel back to normal.
I had to work the Fourth of July holiday.....and then I have to work tomorrow (Sat).

But next week......you can be SURE I'll be doing cookies.
I have a few themes in mind.
I will have gone SEVEN weeks with no cookie decorating.
I am itchin' to get back to it!!!!

Instagram photos for this week:

We are having a fabulous mission trip in Ukraine.
I haven't had wifi for a week....and only have it now for a few minutes.
I wish I could post lots more photos....but no time. :(
We fly home on Friday. I'll catch up then.
I'm in cookie world withdrawal. I miss you all!!!!

 People of Ukraine....
 I've never had so many berries and cherries in my life.
We came to Ukraine at the perfect time....cherry and berry season.
Mmmmm..... And have you ever had yellow raspberries? Delicious!!
 We've had an abundance of desserts these last two weeks. :)

Our team....

 After 26 days...flying to Manchester, England to explore the country with Michelle, and see London with my fun tour guide, Stephanie...then flying to L'viv Ukraine and spending sweet time with Nadia and getting to see Ukraine though different eyes....and then traveling to Borislav Ukraine and participating in a women's camp with 75 women and then visiting in 50+ homes and making memories with so many..... I'm heading HOME!
Boy, I can hardly wait to get there!!!

 I was originally looking forward to a good American salad when I arrived back in the States tonight. Sadly.....I started with a stomach bug in the middle if our long flight from Munich to Dulles Washington and the only thing that sounded good was a Sprite.
Thankfully I'm feeling a little better after sitting here waiting for our final flight to St. Louis.

I'm home from my England/Ukraine trip and remembering watching strudel
being made through a store front window. :)
 Mmmmm..... making cherry juice frozen pops today. :)

Happy Independence Day!


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Summer Fun: Picnic Cookies (Tutorial)

On the first decorating day,
outline and flood a rectangle or square cookie with white 10-second glaze.
Allow it to dry overnight.

Also on the first day, make the ant glaze transfers.
Pipe black 10-Second glaze on to parchment paper.
First make a long oval for the body of the ant, then add a round head.

On the second day, use a red food color marker and a ruler to make a fairly precise criss-cross pattern.
Fill in every other square with the red marker.

"Glue" the ants to the picnic tablecloth with a small dot of white 10-second glaze.
 Use a black food color marker to make dotted lines forming an "ant trail".

Summer is HERE...... in Cookies :)

 This holiday weekend has always signaled the beginning of.......

So I decided to pull together a whole series of cookies to celebrate. :)

Expect to see a blog post on each design featured in S-U-M-M-E-R.

Oh.....it's going to be a FABULOUS summer. :)

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