beach ball — Blog — CookieCrazie

beach ball

Splash Into Summer Cookie Collection

Summer Fun Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, July 12, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

Awwww......back in the groove.
I went SEVEN weeks without doing cookies.
But......I'm back!

This week I did two fun themes.
I was reminded of how happy my "cookie zone" makes me.
And I was able to accomplish more than I had hoped. 

I can't wait to show you all the cookies.
Between the themes and the colors.....I'm lovin' how they turned out.
My Army son is away for a 4 week long FTX (field training exercise).
Guess what he's getting in the mail next week?
I know some cookies from home will be a very welcomed sight. :)

I've already started thinking about what cookies I'm going to do this next week.
Hee hee....

Instagram photos for this week:

I wasn't going to start cookies until next week....
but I couldn't wait any longer. It's been SEVEN weeks! lol

I guess you could say I'm making lemonade today. ;)
 I'm lovin' this lemonade-themed color combo. :)

Coming along... :)

All the "fluff" to go with my lemonade-themed cookies.....
Fun first week back after such a long hiatus....

Another fun cookie theme for the week.....


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Summer Fun: Beach Ball Cookies (Tutorial)

Probably the hardest part of making a beach ball cookie is mixing up six different colors of glaze. ;)

All you need to make them is circle cookies and
red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and white 10-second glaze.

Divide the circle up into six sections and outline & flood every other section.
I prefer to put the darker colors on first to give them 
more dry time before adding the lighter colors.

 Allow them to dry for 1-2 hours to prevent bleeding.

Then outline and flood the final three triangles with the remaining three colors of glaze.

Add a large circle of white in the middle of the ball.

Easy peasy. :)

Summer is HERE...... in Cookies :)

 This holiday weekend has always signaled the beginning of.......

So I decided to pull together a whole series of cookies to celebrate. :)

Expect to see a blog post on each design featured in S-U-M-M-E-R.'s going to be a FABULOUS summer. :)

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