Love Message Cookies (Tutorial) — CookieCrazie

Love Message Cookies (Tutorial)

Putting messages on heart cookies is perfect for Valentines Day.
And I received the BEST birthday present for doing just that!

This little set of impression letters is just the right size for putting little messages on hearts.
My dear sweet daughter-in-law saw this online and decided it would be something I might like.
She's so smart!

It's pretty inexpensive.....and comes directly from China.
Warning: These little letters have to be carefully snipped of their plastic sides 
to fit into the slider just right.
It's a bit tedious.....but worth it in the long wrong.

Here's the best part......
Decorating these cookies are a snap!
Outline and flood the heart cookies in your choice of glaze colors.

Allow them to dry for about 2-3 hours.
(The timing will be something you have to work out for your particular environment)
Then align the words you want to impress into the glaze on the slider.....
gently press them into the crusted glaze......
and you have a cute simple message cookie. :)

Valentines 2014 Cookie Collection
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