lamb cookie — Blog — CookieCrazie

lamb cookie

Lamb Cookies

I saw these adorable lamb stickers at Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago.

Of course, I didn't have cutters to match their shapes,
so I took oval cookies and this plaque cutter,
and before I knew it....I had cookie shapes that were quite workable.

Springtime Faces Cookie Collection: Lambs (Tutorial)

Time to share another tutorial for Springtime Faces......

Today we'll make the precious lamb face.

To make the lamb cookies you'll need:

Outline and flood the fluted round cookie with white icing.

After it has dried for at least an hour, 

and flood the pink face. 
Be sure to add the
black sugar pearls (eyes) right away.

After the face has dried for at least 30 minutes,
the wooly crown to the lamb's head. :)

Several hours later (or overnight)
you can add any embellishments 
to the lamb's face you'd like.

 I love lambs!
So soft and sweet.....kind of girly.

To see the other tutorials in this series:
Springtime Faces: Chick

To see more lamb cookies I've done in the past.....

Easter is in two weeks. does this happen! ;)

Happy Resurrection Day!

After a very busy and activity filled week, Easter is finally here. :) After worshiping my risen Savior this morning, I'm enjoying a big meal with my family and then hoping to chill and relax. My girls (24 and 17) want to have an egg hunt, so my husband has agree to hide the eggs. He is an excellent hide-er. lol In fact, there were years where the kids found eggs WAY AFTER Easter because they didn't find them during the hunt, and my husband forgot all those great places he had hidden them. :)

Here's more Easter cookies. I have plenty of them, so you'll be seeing them after Easter too.

 Why do you look for the living among the dead! He is not here, He has risen! Luke 24:5-6

Have a blessed holiday!

Easter's Almost Here!

Only a couple more days to share Easter.....and it be on time. ;)

 A lamb collection for an OB/GYN office staff. How appropriate, huh?

Lots of small Easter cookies...........

The above.....all boxed up. :)

Back to the kitchen...........have fun preparing for this wonderful holiday.

It's GOOD Friday. :)

"The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29
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