Cookie Shapes — Blog — CookieCrazie

Cookie Shapes

Lamb Cookies

I saw these adorable lamb stickers at Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago.

Of course, I didn't have cutters to match their shapes,
so I took oval cookies and this plaque cutter,
and before I knew it....I had cookie shapes that were quite workable.

CookieCrazieBasics: Get Your Dough In Shape - DIY Templates

So what if you don't have THAT cookie cutter? 

Have no can make a template that will do in a pinch.
I don't recommend hand cutting LOTS of the same shape
(for that you might want to reshape a real cookie cutter to make the process MUCH EASIER!),
but if you just need one or a few cookies in a particular shape......
a template is the perfect solution.

I've collected lots of photos/graphics and ideas of shapes and cookies
I've wanted to do over the last couple of years.
 Ha ha ha.....what a mess.
They've been residing in that "cute" little box up there in the left top corner of the photo. :)

But my goal for 2012 is to come up with lots of categories for this cute little file folder I just bought......

...and get all my photos, graphics, & templates stashed and organized so they look like this.
We'll see. =)

To make a Cookie Cutter Template.....

You will need
  • A container lid (whipped topping, margarine, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc)
  • Marker
  • Printed copy of shape you want
  • Scissors
Cut out your shape after you print it out.
Outline the shape with a marker onto the inside of the container lid (so there is no print on it).
Cut out the plastic shape with some sharp scissors. you have a template!

Wash and dry your template before using on your dough.

Lay on top of dough and use a sharp knife to cut around template.
Since the edges will be a bit'll need to smooth them out once you remove template.
(Some decorators suggest refrigerating the dough first to make the cuts cleaner.)

The above templates were used to make winter drink cookies I did last winter......found HERE

 I only did one "80" cookie for my MIL's 80th Birthday Quilted Cookie Collection HERE,
so a template was just what I needed to cute out that one cookie.

The cupcakes I did with this template.....

.....were part of Keith's 20th birthday collection that I'll show you soon.

(I have big plans for a birthday extravaganza since I've done so many birthdays recently.)

To view last year's post on Cookie Cutters & Templates, go HERE.

To view the post on CookieCrazieBasics: Get Your Dough in Shape - Cookie Cutters, go HERE.

Here's some previous posts I did on cookie cutters: now you have your dough in shape. :)

On the next CookieCrazieBasics post, we'll make up some glaze icing & start making those cookies purrrrty. :)

CookieCrazieBasics: Get Your Dough in Shape - Cookie Cutters we've made our cookie dough and we've rolled it out nice and smooth.

Now it's time to get that dough in shape. :)

Awwww.....the subject of cookie cutters.

Ummm.....I'm just going to admit something right upfront.....

I have WAY TOO MANY cookie cutters.....and the worst part is.....I always want more. 
OK....I said it. I guess it feels a little better to get it out in the open. lol

What is it about these little strips of metal made into a million different shapes that is so appealing?
I don't know.....but I'm hooked. :)

And to prove it, I'm going to let you see my stash.

And.....I'm even going to let you look in the some of the drawers.
(Somehow this feels like I'm showing you closets in my house. Yikes.....I hope everything is clean and tidy!)

Yes, I have lots of cutters.
But believe it or not.....I have cookie friends with LOTS more than me. Crazie....huh?

I'm getting a little better about not ordering every new cutter that I don't have. I guess because I'm learning that I don't need a special cutter for every shape.
 (SweetSugarBelle has taught me....and probably you.... well. :))

So my favorite cutters are the basic shapes.
 Squares, rectangles, & triangles......

Circles and ovals...

These cutters help me piece together cookies like this pan of snowman cookies.
But then I have a lot of custom shapes too. My Summer drawer is especially full. Love that season!

My Harvest/Thanksgiving drawer is overflowing too. Notice all the templates in the back of the drawer. I'm going to share about making your own templates in the next CookieCrazieBasics post.
 Notice all those circle cutters in my Misc drawer?
I bought those extra so I can reshape them into a specific cutter when the need arises.
(Another great idea from SSB)
Since I know somebody's going to ask......I bought all these cool plastic drawers at Walmart.
 I wanted them nice and shallow so that it would be easy to see all the cutters when I pull out the drawer. This allows me to go through all my cutters really quickly when I need a particular shape,
but it is too hard to imagine which cutter would fit the need.
I can see everything easily. Love it!

So roll out that dough...and let's get to work.

 For the record, I do not chill my dough. I don't see a need for it.
I just mix up my dough, roll it out on my DoBord, cut out all my shapes,
and bake them as soon as I fill up the pan.

Here's some previous posts I did on cookie cutters:

Oh....and in case you're as obsessed as me, here's some of my favorite cookie cutter shops. :)

So go get that dough into shape! ;)

CookieCrazieBasics: Smooth Even Cookies....EVERY Time (Tutorial)

Who knows how many times I've been asked questions like......"How do you get such smooth even cookies?" or "How do your cookies always turn out the same thickness?" or "How do you get your cookies so thick?" etc etc. 

I wish I could say it was skill.......but no, I have the perfect tool. 

Love, love, love my DoBord!

But it hasn't been available for a few years now. :(

But I have GOOD NEWS!

I have found another company that makes a very similar product.

Check out Cornerstone Cabinets.....

They have a board very close to the same product called the Cookie Board!

NOTE: The instructions below are for the DoBoard and therefore will not be exactly the same as for the newer Cookie Board.

The outside frame pieces are higher than the inner square.

You get to set the height for your dough.

When you roll the dough with the long rolling pin included.....

your dough will evenly match the height you set.


One side has a removable panel.

When you undo the two screws......

you can take off the panel to adjust the height of the main platform.

The higher the frame is set, the thicker your dough will be.

The DoBord provides four settings.

1/8", 1/4", 3/8" & 1/2"

I use the 3/8" setting for all my cookies. I like my cookies thick! :) 


Cornerstone Cabinets Cookie Board


Other Suggestions for Even Dough....


I've tried this silicone mat system and it works quite well.

It is less expensive than the cookie board and eliminates the need for flour when rolling dough.


Rolling Pin Bands

on Amazon

Happy dough rolling! :)

Cookie Cutters and Templates

What is it about not being able to get enough cookie cutters? It seems that I am looking through cutter websites all the time for new and cool cutters. But why?! It is not as though I don't have hundreds of cutters already! ;)

Now this doesn't compare to some other decorators, but this is my stash. First I categorized them for easy retrieval. Than I put them in shallow drawers so that I can easily see every cutter I have. When I need a particular corner or shape......I can quickly look through each drawer and see what is available. This has made my life so much easier......

But, I digress....... From earlier posts, I've shown how you can reshape dough after cutting it out or take different shapes and make your own custom cookie.

But you can also solve the "gotta have THAT cutter too" problem by making templates. They are a bit crude and not near as easy as pressing the cutter into the dough and flopping on the pan.....but if you really need a shape (and hopefully not too big a quantity for that shape) can make a simple template. 

Probably the easiest way to make a template is to print out the shape you want to cut.....cut it out, and then trace that shape onto some type of flat plastic. You can use the tops of sour cream or cool whip containers......or buy some sheets of plastic at the craft store.

In this picture here, I've used sour cream container tops to make two types of coffee/tea cups. 

Lay the template on top of the dough and cut around it with a sharp knife. Then take the shape and round out the sides with your finger or a knife since they may be a bit rough and ugly. 

When I discovered this, it was another one of those "whole new world" revelations for me. I've been able to do all kinds of "one-of-a-kind" cookies by hand cutting using templates.

Now I wouldn't recommend this for all occasions.....but if there is a unique shape that some one is requesting......or you're just itchin' to's the best way.......well, at least the least expensive way! lol

I have another winter 2011 cookie set to show you. One of my favorite ways to get warm is by drinking chocolate......cappuccino. So I designed a whole serious of cups and mugs with yummy drinks. :)))))

Lots more in this winter drink collection.

And now that we've thoroughly covered cookie dough and cutting out shapes.....we will move on to making glaze, coloring it, and bagging it.
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