Springtime faces cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie

Springtime faces cookies

Springtime Faces Cookie Collection: Bunnies (Tutorial)

For our final springtime face cookie collection tutorial.....


To make the bunny faces, you will need:

This design is a little trickier than the other two.
You'll need to start by outlining a circle
on the bottom two-thirds of your cookie
using a round cookie cutter
and a light colored food color marker.
I used a yellow one.

Add your sketch of the floppy ears.

Notice I changed my mine and scribbled
all over my cookie.
That's OK....because you'll cover it up with icing. :)

Outline the circle and ears
with white icing and allow
it to dry for 20-30 minutes.

I flooded the ears first and let dry,
because I wanted the face to be puffier
and stand out more.
Who knows if my logic works. haha

When you flood the face,
be sure to drop the black sugar pearls for eyes right away.

Let it dry for an hour. Then add the pink ear parts and nose.
Later go back and outline the "tops" of the ears
with white so they look folded.

After drying overnight,
use your food color makers to add
some personality. :)

To see the other tutorials in this series:
Springtime Faces: Chick
Springtime Faces: Lambs

To see more bunny cookies I've done in the past.....
Happy Easter
Even More Easter :)

Last year's Spring Faces Tutorials:
Duck Face Tutorial

Oh the new things I have to show you.....
Can't wait!!!!

Springtime Faces Cookie Collection: Lambs (Tutorial)

Time to share another tutorial for Springtime Faces......

Today we'll make the precious lamb face.

To make the lamb cookies you'll need:

Outline and flood the fluted round cookie with white icing.

After it has dried for at least an hour, 

and flood the pink face. 
Be sure to add the
black sugar pearls (eyes) right away.

After the face has dried for at least 30 minutes,
the wooly crown to the lamb's head. :)

Several hours later (or overnight)
you can add any embellishments 
to the lamb's face you'd like.

 I love lambs!
So soft and sweet.....kind of girly.

To see the other tutorials in this series:
Springtime Faces: Chick

To see more lamb cookies I've done in the past.....

Easter is in two weeks.
Yikes.....how does this happen! ;)

Springtime Faces Collection: Chick (tutorial)

I'm way overdue in the tutorial department.......so here we go.

Let's make some fun spring cookies
using very basic shapes!

Starting with the simple chick face.....

You will need:

Outline and flood the oval cookies with yellow icing. 
Contrary to what the photo shows
(opps....I forgot!)
immediately add the black sugar pearl eyes.
Let dry for at least an hour.

Add outline for beak.
You can make this as small or large as you like.
Allow to dry for 20-30 minutes before filling.

Tada.....the black sugar pearls are suddenly in place. ;)

After the base has dried overnight,
you can add eyebrows or whatever 
you'd like to the chick facial expressions.

To see the other tutorials from the
Springtime Faces Collection:
Springtime Faces: Lamb

If you're having trouble waiting,
check out last year's Spring Faces Tutorials:

Don't you just love spring and all the cuteness? :)
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