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Cookie Bag Tags (Tutorial)

One of my least favorite things about cookie decorating is writing on cookies.
Yes, I can make it legible.....but I'm never happy with it.
I don't know if it is because of my dislike of my handwriting......
the consistency of glaze.....or just pure laziness on my part.

When my sweet friend asked me to make 32 cookie favors for a baby shower
for her twin granddaughters.......
and asked me to write their names on these 1" crown cookies over and over again.....
I knew I had to find a better solution!

Cue the bag tags.......
Hurray! A solution to make both of us very happy.

Keep in mind....you can personalize bag tags ANY WAY you want.
(And trust me......you can really spend some $$s if you're not careful!)
I'm just sharing the way I happened to do it for this particular project.

Here's my pile of supplies....
  • 6 sheets of Pink 8x11 Scrapbook paper (8 x 11 for easier printing)
  • Crown Rubber Stamp
  • White Ink Stamp Pad 
  • Fancy-Edged Scissors
  • 1 sheet (12 x 12) of white pearlized scrapbook paper
  • Heart Paper Punch
  • Glue Dots (not in photo)
  • Stapler

Since I was decorating pink and purple crowns for the girls.....
it made since to make the tags pink.
I found the prettiest pink/pearl/shiny scrapbook paper at Hobby Lobby.

After experimenting with the printer,
I managed to print the girls' names to make six bag tags per sheet.
I printed the names in black......and then used a stamp with a white ink pad
to stamp a crown over each name.

I cut out each tag with regular straight scissors,
and then went back and cut a fancy bottom to both sides of the tag.
Not shown in the photos is how I used glue dots to put a cute shiny heart
in between the names on each tag.
I used the heart paper punch and the white pearlized paper.

I heat sealed my cookies in small treat bags.
Yes.....I use a regular flat iron to seal my bags.
It was bought new and has been used EXCLUSIVELY for my cookies bags.
It has a temperature adjustment on it. 
This is important because you need to be able to adjust the temp
according to the type bag you are using.
I scorched through a few bags before I found the right setting!
Now my iron stays on that setting because I always use the same type bags.
(This is the flat iron I use. It stays on the heat setting #15 [out of 25 settings].)

I folded the tag over the sealed edge of the bag and
then stapled it twice close to the fancy edge on the bottom.

And there you have it......crown cookies for two tiny princesses......
personalized with non-icing names. :)

BRP Box Shop to the rescue again.....


Valentine Box of Chocolates......all Cookies!

Being the CRAZIE decorator that I am.....I not only made "chocolate" cookies,
but I made some 3D cookie heart boxes to hold them. :)

Tutorial for "chocolates":

A simpler packaging idea.....

You'll need these boxes and lids from BRP Box Shop and some mini cupcake liners.

Wrap the box up with ribbon and a tag.....and you have a nifty gift for your Valentine.

Or......for a more simple presentation, you could place your "chocolates" on top of a large heart cookie.

Whatever presentation you choose.....your Valentine is going to LOVE such a sweet treat. :)

BRP Box Shop.....Limited Edition Cookie Ornament Box

I had the distinct privilege to work with BRP Box Shop
to help create a cute little Christmas-y cookie ornament box.
It was debuted at CookieCon.....and from what I hear......it is a big hit. :)

The box comes in  both white and brown:

2 3/4" x 2 3/4" x 2 3/4" Cookie Ornament Box White/White With Window

2 3/4" x 2 3/4" x 2 3/4" Cookie Ornament Box Brown/Brown With Window

As you will see.....I had a blast filling these little babies up. :)

It holds about 12 mini cookies and would make a perfect gift.
Plus, it hangs on the Christmas tree nicely.

I thought it held my 3D mini Christmas tree perfectly.

The original boxes we tested were more generic.

And everyone at CookieCon loved the idea of the "plainer" version for all year long.

So be sure to let BRP Box Shop know what you'd like to see them carry.
They are a cookie decorator's friend.....wanting to design boxes that YOU will use.
Their email address is: boxshop@bigriverpackaging.com
Tell them CookieCrazie sent you. :)

The Christmas version of this box is a limited version test run....
so get 'em while they are still available.

Visit BRP Box Shop for all your box needs.

(This bias you are observing is purely because I think BRP is AMAZING!
They did not pay me to say all this. 
I just happen to think very highly of the company and their products.)

Past Blog Posts about Boxes:

Girls Just Want FUN Cookies.......even in Ukraine :)

I made a special set of cookies for a wonderful friend in Ukraine
that works so hard to put the women's retreat together.
And she LOVES bling. :)

I think she enjoyed them very much....

I also made some girly "spa" cookies for all the ladies at the women's retreat too.
Expect to see a tutorial soon. :)

We put one of these cookies in each of the ladies gift bags.

You can read more about the women's retreat here.

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