ice cream scoop — Blog — CookieCrazie

ice cream scoop

Scream for Ice Cream Decorated Cookie Collection

With the anticipation of summer, it is time to make some fun ICE CREAM cookies. Oh yes, everyone loves ice cream.....especially in cookie form. :)

Here's to all the ice cold treats coming our way very soon....


We all scream for ICE CREAM! 📣


Ice Cream Cone Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

I've done many ice cream cookies over the years.
My desire has been to create a "perfect" waffle cone and a fat bulging scoop bottom.

And finally, I think I've found some techniques that satisfy my craving. :)

Here is the cutter I used for these ice cream cone cookies.

Start out with outlining and flooding the cone with brown glaze and the scoop in white glaze.

Allow the icing to dry for about 3 hours,
and then press the checks texture mat into the cone portion of the glaze.
(see photo below)

Take a portion of regular white glaze and add lots of powdered sugar to it until 
you're able to knead it with your hands.

Place a large chunk of it on the bottom portion of the white scoop.
Mold the thickened glaze around the base of the scoop to resemble the bulging portion of the 
ice cream scoop on a cone.
(see photo below)

After the cookie has dried overnight, 
brush dry brown luster dust over the cone to emphasize the texture.
(sorry, no photo for this one)

It's so rewarding to finally create an ice cream cone cookie 
that resembles the texture and dimension of a real cone.

2016 Summer Decorated Cookie Collection

Ice Cream Parlour Cookies

Super fun set of cookies!
I've been anxiously awaiting the day I could show you
one of my all-time-favorite cookie collections. :)

Super DUPER fun!
Maybe it is because I love ice cream so much. :)

Scoops of Yum......Ice Cream Cookies

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